"Auburn: Unfriendly fans, ugly campus, and certain former kicker" ugly campus!!!!?? Are you friggin' kidding me . .even the most bitter LSU fan will admit after visiting Auburn that we have a beautiful campus . .that's just flat out myopic paranoia I love that you all disrespect us . .that's fine . .I'm sure it has nothing to do with the recent records. You figure we are the secondary school in an inferior state, however, for the last 11 years, you've only beaten us 4 times. LSU fans have NO business discussing unfriendly fans either . .
USM--good pick! I forgot all about them, but yeah, you HAVE to respect the job Jeff Bower has done there. They're "Giant Killers"....Teams like K-State will never schedule them...Heck, why do you think Ole Priss and Miss State don't schedule USM??? --They're too scared!
Hate: Notre Dame I actually like AU---I thought their fans were the nicest fans I met on any of my road trips. I also thought what little of the campus I saw was pretty nice too. Now the last time I made the trip to AU was 96 when the building behind the stadium burned down. Overall I thought the AU fans treated us well even after the game. However I can't stand their coach which means they have fallen from one of the teams I cheer for whenever they are not playin LSU.
I am suprised yall hate Nebraska. Yall are second to the Huskers in NE. We love the Tigers because, A.)Yall are in the CWS every year and we get a "flavor" of Baton Rouge(gumbo,jumbalaya,etc.)B.)Yall beat Tennessee, putting us in the National Championship. Teams I Hate: 1. COLORADO(Liberal,No War,Hippies,Pot Smokers) 2. OLE MISS(Trashy) 3. FLORIDA(Act like harda$$es before the game, 62 points later, they shut up and got the picture. 62-24...what a great day!) 4. TEXAS(Boring,Rich,Spoiled,Arrogant,faggits,etc) 5. PENN STATE(Annoying Yankees) 6. NOTRE DAME(See Penn State) 7. KANSAS STATE(I saw 10,000 fans in Manhatten when they were 1-11, now there os 100,000 when they are 11-2...I don't get the picture.) Teams I Respect/Like: 1. LSU(Fun,Loud,Great Fans,Great Enviroment.I can go on and on) 2. Oklahoma(Good fans) 3. Texas A&M(Classy) 4. Wyoming(Down to Earth people). 5. Montana(See Wyoming) 6. Idaho(See Wyoming). 7. Tennessee(I have seen Nebraska play them twice.Both times resulted in Husker wins, but they have some of the BEST FANS IN THE LAND!)
Hate: 1. Notre Dame 2. Miami 3. Florida 4. Alabama Respect: 1. Louisville 2. Kentucky 3. Auburn Love: 1. :lsug:
Hate Hate (in order) 1. Noter Dam - I'm not going to say anything b/c of lightning strike fear. 2. Ole Miss - They are snobs for no good reason. 3. Bama - Bear this Bear that - I am tired of hearing about the Bear. 4. PIGS - Pigs stink, but they smell good when you cook them. 5. Auburn - It is like getting beat by your little sister that talks funny. 6. FLA - would be higher but Shiney Pants left. 7. A&M - Great traditions but I just don't like them. 8. Miami - Thugs. 9. Fla St. - It is something about all the Bowden's voices. 10. USL - They hate us so much they forget that they suck. **Tulame - I'm just listing Div 1 schools with a football program Respect (in order) 1. Texas (Baton Rouge has city envy with Austin) solid school and program 2. Oklahoma (History and respect the current coaching staff) plus it sounds great when Keith Jackson says their name. 3. Southern Miss (great fans and they really want to be :lsug: ) They have program envy 4. Jackie Sherrill (can't stand the school, team or city but I love Jackie b/c he is our bitch) 5. Southeastern (trying a comeback after a 20 years in retirement)
Consider it a "hate of admiration"...For the longest time, I couldn't stand Nebraska--but only because of the PASTING they gave LSU in the Sugar Bowl in...was it '88??? I was but 11 years old and for the longest time, I was so upset that I couldn't even stomach the site of corn! ...I've since lightened up a bit on the Huskers.
Thats because the Greenies third rate program has fallen to the status of just another rent-a-win whenever they are lucky enough to even get a game with LSU. How can anybody hate somebody for being so mediocre? It would be like hating the Sisters of the Poor.
I can't speak for all LSU fans but I can honestly say the disrespect that I have for certain AU fans has nothing to do with wins and losses. By using your logic how come I don't have the same level of disrespect for teams such as Bama and Florida that have beaten us the majority of times over recent years? There's two reasons why I disrespect certain AU fans. 1) I've never seen any college fans patronize and make character attacks toward an ethnic group as extensively as AU fans have. Does it bother me when AU fans attack Cajuns with stereotypical language and obscene accusations? Not at all. I realize it's just plain ignorance. 2) No other college fan base comes close to the outlandish accusations made by many AU fans with regard to LSU fans. In fact, all the accusations or so rampant on the net there's no need for me to list them. If LSU fans were really that bad then why don't you see Bama, Florida, Tennessee or any other college fan's making these outlandish accusations to the extent AU has? My disrepect for certain AU fans has nothing to do with wins and losses. In fact, I respect any team that wins fairly and with class.