Schools you love to hate

Discussion in 'The Tiger's Den' started by bolobolo, Aug 12, 2003.

  1. Ryan Sanders

    Ryan Sanders Freshman

    Aug 18, 2003
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    I found LSU's fans to be alright(i know i am saying this for no reason i guess since it hasn'tbeen discussed in a few posts).. they didn't seem to say anything the whole game last year that I went to.. I dunno why, but they seemed pretty quiet.
  2. geauxscott

    geauxscott Founding Member

    Oct 24, 2002
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    probably because we were depressed and embarassed......i know i was :cry: :cry: :cry:

    welcome to the board Ryan :D :D :D
  3. BRETT

    BRETT LSU FAN Staff Member

    Aug 4, 2001
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    I think Ryan knows why Geauxscott, he was just getting a little dig in.
  4. Thorny

    Thorny Founding Member

    Jun 30, 2003
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    Thanks. . .

    for the compliments. I am really disappointed with the direction this rivalry has gone the last few years, but I am biased since I have two brothers who are AU grads.

    Hopefully, Tuberville's not running up the score last year is a step in the right direction. Now if we can get ITAT to stop posting the corndog garbage.

    That way we can focus on the people we should dislike: AMAB, GTHOM and aTm

    Thorny (alias Statman; LSU Tuba 85-89)
  5. SouthLink02

    SouthLink02 Founding Member

    Jun 24, 2003
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    Re: Re: Re: Teams I like and don't like

    AU has handled UGA the last 4 years? Funny...not what I saw the last 2 years
  6. DeepPurple

    DeepPurple Founding Member

    May 29, 2004
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    hate USC-AUBURN-MIAMI-GEORGIA-ole miss-oklahoma-texas-bama-notre dame-florida
  7. Mr. Peabody

    Mr. Peabody Founding Member

    Dec 8, 2003
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    Oklahoma State
    Notre Dame

    Oklahoma, of course...
  8. LSUChicageaux

    LSUChicageaux Founding Member

    Sep 27, 2003
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    My hate list is easy to wife and I have discussed it at length (she's a huge football fan, too). The hate list begins like this: if our son/daughter were to come home one day and say, "Dad, I've decided to attend X school," would I disown them? Would I change the locks and suggest they just head somewhere else for Christmas?

    My kids don't have to go LSU. But they will know of my disapproval if they decide to attend...

    1) Auburn. If my son is named starting middle linebacker at Auburn, I will tell him that I love him, but I'll be cheering against him, and he's going to get his ass kicked. If my daughter is named captain of the Auburn cheerleading squad, I won't let her back in the house, 'cause that syphilis stuff is nasty.

    2) Florida. If my boy comes to me and says that the Gators are his team, I will wish him the best in growing his rattail and buffing his IROC. If my daughter tells me she'll be wearing the orange and blue cheerleader outfit, I'll say, "Doubtful...that outfit will spend too much time on the floor. Whore."

    3) Ole Miss. If Junior comes up to me and says, "Pop, my heart says 'Rebels,'" I can only tell him that his heart has a speech impediment. I would suggest that he then latch on to a really good high school team and become a drunken booster - because there's no victory in Oxford. If my daughter decided to cheer for the Rebels, she would find my hugs awkward, our conversations strained, and our holidays miserable. I will buy her plenty of Valtrex as a going-away present so that she can control the genital herpes she is certain to receive in that abcess of a place.

    4) All Big Ten schools. All Pac-10 schools. Everything else is alright, but don't expect a "good luck" from me if they choose A&M, Texas, or Arkansas.

    As for likes:
    1) Georgia. If the daughter is a Dawg, she better be bringing some of her friends home.
    2) Alabama. I want them to be good again. They're so self-destructive.
    3) Tennessee. I like them hicks. That orange is atrocious, but they're good folks.
    4) Oklahoma. Crimson & cream...they're obviously the best school in the Big XII. I think they're a class act, and I like Stoops.

    Golly, I hate Auburn.
  9. StaceyO

    StaceyO Football Turns Me On

    Oct 7, 2003
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    Whoa, it's so hard to pick just a few...but I hate Auburn, FSU, Miami, USC, and Texas A & M (which is one place I would HATE for my daughter to choose. How could I be related to an Aggie?)

    I'm sick of Notre Dame--enough already.

    I love LSU.

    I pull for the rest of the SEC when we're OOC.

    I respect OU.
  10. TejasTiger

    TejasTiger Founding Member

    Sep 16, 2003
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    More and more, "hatred" for a school is actually hatred of the coach/program. On the other hand, some schools irk me due to their fan base (demeanor, etc.). This is all based on football, the only sport I really care about at all.

    Therefore, I've divided my hate list accordingly and will probably add to it often throughout the day:

    HATE due to coaches:

    Ohio State: Jim Tressel comes across as a hypocrite, talking often about class and discipline yet regularly looking the other way when his thugs break rules and laws, especially if they are studs.

    Virginia Tech: All those Hokie fans will realize that "Beamer-ball" doesn't work very well when you play in a real conference against real Frank Beamer is another blow-hard who doesn't discipline his kids right/well (slapping your players isn't too cool, either, plus it's a good way to get your a** kicked, too). Can you believe that Marcus "R Kelly" Vick will probably PLAY against USC? Some discipline there, coach!

    (PS-I do hope they win their first game, though!)

    South Carolina: Lou used to be funny and self-depreciating, and is now bitter, spiteful and past his prime. What an a**hole to vote for USC over a fellow conference member who kicked his tail on the field.

    HATE due to fans:

    Ole Miss: Didn't hate them until just this past year. What a bunch of pissy little bit**es. :eek:lefire:

    HATE due to coaches and fans:

    Auburn (no explanation needed, though all of you AU folks who hang around here seem to be pretty cool.)

    Florida (Texas-east when it comes to arrogant fans, plus I just don't like Ron Zook, in part because the Saints defense has sucked ever since he left.)

    Texas (arrogance supreme and Mack Brown has the most annoying f-ing voice!) :angryfire

    Texas A&M: Bizarre, cultish and homoerotic fans plus a real a**hole of a coach. :angryfire

    LIKE (for whatever reason):

    Nebraska: They have a great tradition yet hold themselves with dignity and class. Had the pleasure of attending a game in Lincoln. Classy, classy fans.

    Georgia: Passionate fans, good tradition, excellent, classy coach.

    Syracuse: Way to bring it against Notre Dame last year (especially you there, Walt Reyes!) Also, they *hate* Auburn for Pat Dye's pu**ified "going for the tie" in the Sugar Bowl that possibly cost the Orangemen a share of the 1987 title.

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