Scalia is a f-ing Troll

Discussion in 'Free Speech Alley' started by LSUMASTERMIND, Apr 17, 2013.


    LSUMASTERMIND Founding Member

    Nov 15, 2007
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    Democrats before 1965 are not the same Democrats of today. Dixiecrats became republicans because of the civil rights law. You should really read up before you post on this subject.
    What does your posting of lil wayne have to do with any of this. In your shallow mind I guess he represents all black people.
    How about Myron Rolle, my fraternity brother. You ever read up on him or do you just judge all black people on the lil waynes of the world. Should I judge all white people of the Timothy McVeighs of the world or Ted Bundy.

    Myron Rolle (born October 30, 1986 in Houston, Texas) is a former American football safety. He was drafted by the Tennessee Titans, who valued his athleticism and intellect, in the sixth round of the 2010 NFL Draft. He played college football at Florida State.
    He was awarded a Rhodes Scholarship and studied at St. Edmund Hall,[1] Oxford University for the 2009–10 academic year in order to earn an MSc in Medical Anthropology.[2] In 2010, he was chosen as the second-smartest athlete in sports by theSporting News, behind baseball player Craig Breslow.[3]

    Seriously dude, get a life.
  2. mancha

    mancha Alabama morghulis

    Aug 2, 2011
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    I can't stand Lil Wayne. I think he dresses and looks like a freak alien clown and his voice is so annoying. But my son loves his music. I tell him that if Lil Wayne can make it to the top of the music industry it shows that this is the country that anyone with talent, hard work, and luck can be successful. That kind of drive really can't be hated on.
  3. gyver

    gyver Rely on yourself not on others.

    Sep 29, 2011
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    I've said it before. I judge based on character and actions, not color. Just happens that I live around more lil Wayne and fitty cent types than the Dr Carson and King types.
    Hypothetical situation. If Dr Carson runs against Hillary in 2016. Who would you vote for and why?
    Myron Rolle is very impressive. I really like RG3 myself. Character.
  4. lsu99

    lsu99 whashappenin

    Oct 24, 2001
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    I think that whites and blacks have come a long way in our country. Most of the educated (middle class) whites/blacks get along well and have a lot in common. Compared to some of the racial tensions in other countries, it's really not that bad here (only talking white/black).

    However, there need to be improvements with our understanding of Middle Eastern and Asian cultures. Most ordinary Americans have little in common with them and preconceived notions based simply on their nationality.

    I also think that the combination of social media and Obama winning in '08 has not been good for white/black relations because there are so many conservative idiots that are not very educated with unsatisfied lives. Instead of the old practice of kicking their dog, they now vent on social media. I lean conservative on many issues and would like nothing more than to muzzle all of the bad apples so that real discussions can take place.
  5. shane0911

    shane0911 Helping lost idiots find their village

    Jan 11, 2005
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    I absolutely get your point here, but would say it all depends on who you talk to.

    I don't see much of a problem with the asians. There are a few asian families in my neighborhood and my son is best friends with one of them. The other kid will not stop playing basketball in flip flops and I just sit in my front yard and drink beer waiting for him to sprain his ankle so I can laugh at him and say "told ya to put some shoes on dink"

    The Middle east is an entirely different subject. My opinion is most in America will never be able understand their culture because I just don't think we can set our minds back that far. You will never see a better example of the "haves" vs the "have nots" than you will in Iraq ( I can't speak for the entire region)

    We had a meeting with the local "shiek" if you will, and no his name was not Iron. These cats come rolling up in some tricked out sleds. I mentioned to one of them that he had a really nice car and the dude wanted to GIVE it to me. I'm talking it involved interpreters, high ranking officials from both sides and all sorts of shit just to make this dude understand I was just saying he had a nice ride.

    In the end, these people are sort of like the land that time forgot. They are very simple (for the most part) and really seem to have no desire to change. I would say 8 out of every 10 everyday American would slit their own throats if they were forced to live the way most of Iraq does everyday.

    Don't forget the number of blacks that voted for bho just because he was black. Don't kid yourself, there are a lot of them. Not saying that won it for him, just saying the pancake has another side.
    Contained Chaos likes this.
  6. Contained Chaos

    Contained Chaos Don't we all?

    Dec 5, 2004
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    But really, do you blame them? I mean, if you take an honest, critical look at the history of racial relations in America, and you put yourself in their shoes, would you not do the same thing? I think most of us would. It was only about a century ago that Woody Wilson was re-segregating the federal government, and half a century ago when it was legal and accepted to openly discriminate against blacks. I doubt most of them have ever felt like anyone in any high-ranking public office has truly sympathized with what their race has endured in America, so why wouldn't they jump at the opportunity to elect a black person to the highest-ranking office?
    shane0911 likes this.
  7. lsu99

    lsu99 whashappenin

    Oct 24, 2001
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    I went to a 5A public high school in Louisiana. We had mostly white and black students with only a few from other cultures. Some of the blacks were poor and kind of kept to themselves. Some of the blacks were social, popular, and were not even really seen as part of a certain race. They were just everyone's friends and good people.

    Now with Facebook, you have everyone as "friends". Some of my white "friends" on FB don't like Obama for whatever reason (some valid). However, they are so uneducated that they can't complain in a civilized manner with coherent thoughts. When Obama won again, some of my black "friends" that are really good people at their core deleted their FB accounts. Two of them gave farewell messages in a respectful fashion along with their personal e-mail address in case anyone wanted to contact them. After seeing all of the pre and after election vile from a few of my high school conservative "friends", I blocked a few of them myself (which I had only done once before - to an anti-LSU Cajuns fan).

    I agree with your comment that there are many blacks that are uneducated also. I've just only seen the abrasive nature of my white friends, perhaps because I have many more of them on FB and therefore see more of their views.
  8. shane0911

    shane0911 Helping lost idiots find their village

    Jan 11, 2005
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    I have never had a facebook account and never will.
    LSUMASTERMIND likes this.
  9. lsu99

    lsu99 whashappenin

    Oct 24, 2001
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    Nothing at all wrong with that. Some people prefer the more anonymous alternative like this site. I have never entered the realm of controversial topics like religion, politics, and race on facebook.

    It's kind of sad that facebook has become so popular that many people think you are hiding something or anti-social if you do not have a facebook account. Facebook is the Wal Mart of social media.
  10. shane0911

    shane0911 Helping lost idiots find their village

    Jan 11, 2005
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    What I was trying to say is that by reading your post, and listening to others, wives, friends, kids etc I have seen or heard more drama and heartbreak come out of facebook than I have good by a long shot. Sometimes you learn more about someone you cared about than you ever wanted to know. I don't consider myself anonymous here. Shane really is my name and I've put my last name up a time or two, a few of the members have my cell, I've met a few others, MM and I are supposed to play golf and catch a Thunder playoff game if we can ever get the travel plans worked out. But I get your point.

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