I think the point is though that Flynn was part of the "lock her up" campaign. Now he wants immunity. I don't know if Trump has anything to do with any of this, it wouldn't surprise me if he had no clue, like most everything else, no clue. I wouldn't offer immunity, I would offer 2 years in jail or something, because as Flynn said last year, you don't ask for immunity unless you are guilty of something. He can share a cell with Hillary for all I care.
Just like Pagliano? Tell me, what crime did he commit? I'm dying to know. He was head of DIA for Obama. I would say it's more than a possibility that some very bad things happened that he was privy to. Flynn incurred the wrath of the White House by insisting on telling the truth about Syria ... they shoved him out. He wouldn't shut up. In an interview with Al Jazeera, Flynn criticized the Obama administration for its delay in supporting the opposition in Syria, thereby allowing for the growth of Al Nusra and other extremist forces. What if it came to light that Obama and his fellow Muslim Brotherhood cohort, John Brennan, aided and abetted the most ruthless Islamist cell to ever exist? To make it clear, Al Nusra is al Qaeda. Who does Barry Soetoro and his Muslim Brotherhood hate with a passion? That's right, al Qaeda. Yeah, you know the implication I'm making. So yeah, I'd get some immunity too. And let's not forget Obama prosecuted more whistleblowers than all other presidents combined. The President sentenced whistleblowers to 25 times the jail time of all prior U.S. presidents combined. Critics have accused the President of protecting criminal activity by prosecuting and harassing whistleblowers rather than criminals. Indeed, Obama didn't prosecute even one high-level Wall Street executive, despite the multitude of evidence against them.
I understand your points but dealing with Putin and Russia is so toxic that I have a hard time letting it pass even if it didn't break the law technically. I know there is some questionable at best contacts that HRC and her tribe made but they lost. Had they won I would have the same heartburn and questions. I also believe the 'Cesar's wife' standard. I don't like that so many of Trump's people had too close a relationship with too many Kremlin insiders. They are nothing but thugs and dealing with them as Flynn, Manafort and others apparently did is more than dangerous. Like dealing with the mafia but 10 times worse as they are a foreign government whose leader sees us as an enemy.