they are very much chick books, but still interesting reading. the book on the kurdish woman is "love in a torn land". they are written by a women pretty much for women. but still a lot of good information on the expiences by women. and i prefer "dudette". :hihi:
Not good for the US if Bandar is out of power and influence in Saudi Arabia. The good Rags have been steadfast allies, but the bad Rags work against us. The House of Saud is a medieval monarchy and nothing close to a democracy, much less a modern western republic. There are hundreds of princes and they come in all flavors. But the top ruling succession has always been friendly to us. If the royal succession goes to the islamist anti-western princes instead of the American-educated ones like Bandar, . . . then all bets are off with Saudi Arabia.
This knucklehead starting a coup isnt helping. Since he was caught it might encourage them to cut ties with us now that our guy in thier gov. was trying to start a coup.
martin, i just finished a pretty good book on the subject of women and islam. title is "price of honor" by jan goodwin.
wow, you are really into reading about oppressed ladies. i reserved the first one with my local library, and i am still on the waiting list. must be a popular book in my neighborhood. i feel like i might be the first white meal ever to read it. i want to read about saddams regime, and specifically i want to read about kurds, but i cant being myself to read a book titled "love in a torn land". i feel like there must be a islamic fabio on the cover of that one.
the one i just finished (price of honor) has the chapters broken down by country in the middle east and how women are treated, and how far the islamists are advancing in taking over or imposing their will on the lives of citizens. it also looks at the distortions of islam by the fanatics to justify their actions. and how screwed up monarchies and corrupt governments in the middle east push their populace towards the islamists. its a good read. oh, and it also not only interviews the women that are oppressed, it has interviews with hardline clerics. the contradictions that come out of their mouths when pressed, just to justify their twisted ideas are amazing. not to mention its chilling to read how they believe islam should be the world religion, that jesus was really an islamic prophet, and how the world will someday be ruled by the law of islam is chilling. i just started a new one about an iraqi mans journey to freedom. the title is "escape from saddam". i'll let you know how it is.
just started this one last night. got any good titles on the kurds you can recommend? sasson seems to take pretty much one subject and really get into the person, and what it was like to be "in their skin". price of honor touched on the person, but was about many subjects (people) in each section and more black and white about it all, giving pretty much the interview without getting as indepth. very contrasting styles but both good.