Come on wpak...I know you've seen some shiit out there. Tell us about some of the crazy stuff you've seen offshore. Whale Sharks, Giant Cobia at the rigs, sharks, whales.....give it up. I've seen some pretty crazy stuff....I KNOW you have seen way more than I have. Let's hear it brotha.
Red, I know how Kylek feels. After spending the whole friggin' past year in either N TX or S OK, I can assure you...there are only 3 redfish within 300 miles...and no speckled trout or flounder. And the redfish? Let's just say the folks at the Bass Pro in Grapevine get a little testy whey you try to rip some lips in their little aquarium.:shock:
Well a platform I used to work at used to have schools of cobia swim by in groups or 10+, but out here we only get them one at a time. I've pulled up about a 15ft shark off the bottom, fought him for 30+ minutes then didn't have a way to get him up (I wasn't jumping in a personel basket with a 15 foot shark). Out here I've caught a lot of red snapper and grouper, both topping out at about 30-35-lbs. This week there is nothing but trash fish on top, not even good for bait, even the big fish are trash fish, damn jack cravelle
Bass fishin' is better than no fishin' ain't it? :grin: Hell I even like catfish and bream fishin' with a cane pole . . . if they're bittin'.
Bass fishing is way overrated. I would much rather catch bream, cafish or sac-au-lait with a cane pole or a jiggin' pole and live bait than catch about 1 bass for every thousand or so casts with atificial bait.
Bass will bite live bait, too. Cast net some shad, put a live one on a treble hook under a cork and find a place that a bass would use for cover. Works like a charm.
:lol::lol: In the marsh in Venice and south of Houma you can catch bass off one side of the boat and reds off the other.