I know its not much of a discount but at least they did one. After buying two tickets I save $4 which is almost half a hot dog for the game.:grin:
Hmmm... I'll go to at least a couple of those games. While I am at it, I'll get $15 dollar tickets for one of the games. Never sat in upper deck, always wanted to see what the view is like from there.
Sat all the way at the top my senior year of high school for Tiger Day just to do it. The birds were flying below us and by the end of the game the fog was starting to set in below us too. Although during the boring parts of the game we could count the cars going across on the bridge.
It's kind of like the photos of earth from space, You know it's the earth but other than that you can't tell what you're looking at. I sat up there for one game years ago in the West Upper and it's not worth it if it's free. All you can tell is that there are a lot of people running around down there.
I like it.... you usually find your most DIE-HARD fans in the uppers. Everyone is packed in and it was absolutely unreal up there for the OSU game last season, rain and all!
Not knocking you or anyone else sitting there but that's usually where you find the johnny come lately jumped on the band wagon too late to get good tickets folks. Happy to have them there and want to see it full for every game but if they were die hard fans they would have been around and upgraded during the 90's when the stadium was half empty.JMO
I would rather sit up there than anywhere else. Preferably not at the ends though. Sitting from the 20-20, you can see the play develope, the blocks, the missed tackles, etc......well worth $15 to find out.
Well, I dunno.. I didn't think it was 1/10th as bad as people make it out to be. My season tickets were up there last year 2 rows from the top, almost dead center in the west upper... Actually, the view was spectacular. Was just like watching it on a big-screen tv. I had absolutely no problems seeing at all. The biggest inconvenience was the walk up the two dozen ramps. Then, when ya thought you were done, ya had to climb to the row ya sit in.... But, exercise is a good thing I suppose. This year we're down lower, but still in the West Upper... only with the chair-back seats.... that will be a lil better I guess.