How can you say BS when the OSu game last year was a prime example. Had it not been a torn up field because of the rain, We would have beat the crap out of them. And with the way our weather patterns seem to be getting and the amount of teams playing on our field it would not be a bad idea to get something that ytou can fix instead of waiting for it to grow.
No I dont know it for a fact but on paper they would not have been to handle us with our speed. AND THE ONLY THING THAT CAN COUNTER SPEED ,besides speed itself, is water and mud. That i do know for a fact.
although I would cringe at the idea of field turf at TS, it actually makes a lot a sense if the saints come in next year. ASU and the cardinals replace the sod within the hash marks in sun devil stadium at least 4 times per season. If they are making sod improvements that often in an arid environment, who knows how often grass would have to be replaced in TS which inherently has a few wet games per season. we could be looking at quite a challenge for george toma and the NFL grass experts! I have a feeling field turf would be seriously considered, at least for one season.
Tigerwins - that applies to 2005. we are talking about 2006 if the saints had to play 10 games (8 reg + 2 preseason) at TS while LSU played its typical 7 game home schedule. the field would take quite a beating in that climate which would make field turf a potential temporary solution.
I believe they were also talking about next year as well, which was the original point of the story. Vincent mentioned that Sun Devil Stadium gets replaced up to 4 times a year. Don't know if that will work here with our climate, but I don't want turf...
i don't know what you guys are talking about, but field turf is awesome. I played on it after a hella large storm and it was as if no water had ever touched the field. Its really good, easier to maintain, and almost exactly like grass.
I'm not sure which side I come down on (grass vs. turf) but this thread is an excellent example of how a debate should go. :thumb:
I don't like the Saints playing in Tiger Stadium. Give me a break, the NFL, the Saints, It is a professional sports team. There is no reason in hell that the NFL couldn't help the Saints out and build a new stadium or at least improve the Superdome. I've never liked the Saints or any professional football team playing indoors in the south, I've understood it in the northern states. I think the hole the hurricane put in the roof in the Superdome is an improvement. Thats just a wisecrack! I really think they should have a hole in the roof like Texas Stadium if nothing else.