Saban's SEC Record over 4 seasons ... and a closer look ahead

Discussion in 'The Tiger's Den' started by ramah, Feb 13, 2004.

  1. Bengal B

    Bengal B Founding Member

    Sep 5, 2002
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    Can you buy beer over there or do they tie you to the whipping post and give you 50 lashes for possesion of alcohol? You don't sound like a guy whe EVER goes to long without a cold beer.
  2. Atreus21

    Atreus21 Founding Member

    Nov 12, 2003
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    Too bad you can't come back for Mardi Gras, Ramah. You could see the band march Rex.
  3. Eleven

    Eleven Founding Member

    Nov 18, 2002
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    ive thought about working in saudi. a very nice job was offered to me this past summer. i would make great money and not have to pay income tax on it (since i would be out of the country for 300 days or so). i guess you have that same deal.

    also, a paid one week vacation to hawaii for me and a "signifigant other" was part of the deal.

    if you can stand living out of the sounded like a sweet deal.
  4. Bengal B

    Bengal B Founding Member

    Sep 5, 2002
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    You should grab it. I don't know what you do or the pay scale for your qualifications but I would think the pay would probably be about double for a job here in the USA. Think about it. IF you could make $50K here you would keep about $35K after taxes. If you made $100K in Saudi you could keep it all. IF you did it for 5 years you would have a lot of money in the bank. If your out of country living expenses are paid and you don't buy a house here until you decide to quit your job you would have very few expenses. If you made good investments with your salary instead of just putting it in the bank you could probably end up with $600K to $750K by the time you came back here permanently.
  5. Eleven

    Eleven Founding Member

    Nov 18, 2002
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    since i didnt take the job...ill discuss the salary. it was about 120 large. all i would have paid was the social security tax (which ive never minded paying)

    reason i didnt take still in college. i know that money is great, but i have some career goals/dreams that im getting very close to accomplishing. it didnt seem worth risking my dream job.

    i work offshore during the summers to pay for thats how i was offered.
  6. Bengal B

    Bengal B Founding Member

    Sep 5, 2002
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    I hope the offer is still there for you when you graduate. Career goals/dreams are a lot easier to accomplish when you have the bucks to make them happen. If they were willing to offer you that much as a worker on an oil rig I would have to think that you are majoring in some related field like petroleum engineering. Maybe they will up the offer to $250K as a degreed person. Thats almost getting to professional athlete type money. Maybe you should hire an agent.
  7. Eleven

    Eleven Founding Member

    Nov 18, 2002
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    ha, no

    my dream is coaching college football. always has been...never thought i could accomplish it until i started college. its gettin close and i can feel it.

    ive been around the petroleum business and oil rigs my entire life (i remember touring land rigs, deep water drill ships, and main offices in houston when i was 4). im fairly well connected in the business because of my father, but ive still started from the bottom and worked for my reputation. i guess i had a little more of a head start than most.

    other than coaching i thought about petroleum engineering when i was a freshman, but its just something ive never been interested in. plus, i suck at all things engineering (and it bores me).

    i obviously have a lot of respect for the oil business and the men who work it, but its just not something i want to do the rest of my life. it will always be a fantastic fall back plan though (might be even better than my original plan).

    i still think about taking that job. that's a lot of money and would be great for a single young guy like myself.

    ill have to work a while before i go to graduate school as a grad assistant...just to be able to live when i do that may be an option then.

    oh, i forgot to add in that the offer was to basically only work one year. they couldnt guarentee me a job after that.

    LUVmyTIGERS Freshman

    Dec 24, 2003
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    Ramah speaks the TRUTH! So says LUVmyTigers!
  9. islstl

    islstl Playoff committee is a group of great football men Staff Member

    Nov 25, 2003
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    Who in the hell do you see giving LSU trouble going back to Atlanta? I would like to know.

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