agreed, there is a scene in Mel Brooks' Blazing Saddles this reminded me of. YouTube - Blazing Saddles - We Must Do Something! Harrumph!
The OJ trial parallels the Senate Committee hearings, how? Or do the blog posts and one sided stories parallel the OJ trial? And some things never change. The Dems are consistent. :hihi:
All true. But still no evidence (and there isn't any) of intentional efforts to deceive. Also, it's important to remember that Saddam was all attitude and had been thumbing his nose at UN imposed santions for 12 years. In hindsight most disagree now, but it was high time to go in and take him out. It's uinfortunate that we didn't just do that and get the hell out, but as you liberals like to point out, you can't just leave the needy to suffer their fate.
It was an exchange of low blows, sir. It's free speech alley, but I don't have to like having my patriotism or citizenship questioned either. I wasn't mocking your service, I was mocking your hubris. For the record, I admire your service in wartime and I'm proud to know you. But I won't accept second-class citizenship status just because I went to college in peacetime. This Free Speech Alley and you can't try to shush people's comments by your idea of what constitutes "credentials" to speak. I can tell you what part of the Constitution establishes free speech.
I wasn't mocking your history either. LaSalle tries to speak for those who serve and whether their motives are pure. You can't know that if you haven't done it.
i didn't try to speak for people who served i did speak for people who served and who were injured, and pissed off they were shipped to a country to fight and die for no reason, they shared their opinion with me, and i passed it along. If they hadn't shared their feelings with me, i would have never said anything on their behalf. I have a cousin that died over there, and was shipped back here in a box, he cant speak for himself. Do you know how many veterans were at Crawford Texas for months, protesting this stupid war? I met alot of servicemen and women, their families, their children who were disgusted with the way the former administration handled their loved ones lives, like they were nothing.
There isnt a single shred of testimony in any of the Senate hearings that even suggests that Bush lied or fabricated intelligence. Contrary to the OJ trial that had numerous instances of testimony on both sides.
So anyone who is anti operation iraqi freedom and was at Crawford was a Cindy Sheehan disciple? Glad you think of your fellow service men as such.