In Dolphins gear for the first time? This is bad information. If you were as "inside" as I am, you would know that he's been wearing Dolphins boxers since November...
Those colors aren't ugly, their pretty if you ask me. Then again I did live in South Florida for a while and was a huge Dolphin fan for many years until Marino retired. I now root for the Broncos since I live in the Denver area but I still root for the Dolphins from time to time. Geaux Fins! As far as Nick goes, some of you better get over it. Thats Life! :shock: :grin: Click the link to watch the Saban interview.
I'm personally hoping he gets used to having as low a pick as possible in the NFL, but that's just me! Like the dude said earlier, we will get more with Les
How about this gear: From the following article:,0,5671676.story?coll=sfla-sports-front