dont need it, stop wasting money govt money is a tremendously destructive to art. you like art, buy it.
I never asked for a budget amendment. I would settle for a list of bullets...or a post-it note...or a handwritten note...or graffiti on the oval office wall. The problem is it's just another excuse for someone in over his head who doesn't want the people to know or question anything he does. There's no written plan because: 1) it never existed; or 2) he didn't want the public to know his true intentions.
The closer you are to your government, the more likely you are to keep it under control. A large part of what Washington does should be at the state level. Power to the people requires the power center to be close to the people.
No. That is not the "Progressive" solution. Progressives want legal pot, Progressive love government, so lets tee em up. What we should do is put the government in control of cannabis; the Department of Cannabis a/k/a DOC. Here is how it works Potheads register with DOC, they fill out all the forms and get all the approvals that any other customer of the government gets. Then they wait for the shipment Now it goes without saying that there is a DOC mandate. No one but DOC can sell pot For the first time in 40 years we would see pot use decrease. Getting high wouldn't be worth the frustration of dealing with the Department of Cannabis. Remember in the 60s you always knew when an election was coming - the ferry boat fee was suspended. Guess what DOC will be passing out at the voting booth. Just Kidding. Blame the above paragraph on Tezon Reposados. Yes, I agree, we should legalize and tax pot.
All of that amounts to a pittance. That has been tried and failed miserably. This is particularly foolish, as it is far more effective and cheaper to bribe certain governments than to invade and occupy them. Our enemies in China and Russia have not stopped foreign aid, CHina has stepped it up significantly.
You have your head buried in the sand and refuse to acknowledge public statements made by public figures.
Power to the people requires that lobbyists be outlawed and banned from Congress. There is nothing in the Constitution about special interest lobbyists. They have access to our representatives that citizens don't enjoy. Our representatives are supposed to be representing their constituents, not special interests. Let the special interests lobby the people directly and WE will tell our representatives how to vote.
Obviously we can't eliminate all of these items. And trying to come up with significant cuts within them is very difficult, as Congress just found out. Defense could cut a lot by getting rid of the bases that the Pentagon doesn't want, but politicians want to keep in their home districts. The F-35 could be delayed. We don't have a threat that requires it right now and it is experiencing teething problems. We should definitely pull the remaining ground troops out of Europe. They can defend themselves just fine. All together they have more forces and money than we do. Relentless persecution and prosecution of fraud in Medicare needs to happen. The whole system is rife with it. That alone might make it sustainable. We should also tier coverage. Those who have private insurance should be able keep it and it should be the primary provider, not Medicare. Social Security has to have the age of retirement raised gradually to 70. When SS was enacted people had an average lifespan of 67 years, now it is 74. Social Security should be to keep the elderly from being destitute when they can no longer work. Since people stay healthy longer, SS should kick in later. And people with net worths of over 2 million dollars do not need the small SS check and it should not be offered to them. The big federal departments just need to take a 10% across the board cut. There is deadwood there that can be eliminated without slashing their duties and services.