I saw them both as disasterous candidates. So I voted for Gary Johnson. Trump has proven thus far that I was at least half right.
Comparing the slaughter of 6 million Jews to politically damaging e-mails is so far-fetched that I almost didn't respond to it. Why do you create these wild and false equivalences? The Democrats and Clinton have paid a political price for those e-mails and I don't think anyone hear has denied that or otherwise denied that they made the bed they laid in. That being said, acting as if a few politically damning e-mails are somehow equivalent to a how the Nazis went about creating death camps is ridiculous and dangerous. Given the lengths that the Russians went to in order to sway our election and the money they spent in fake news ads I would find it hard to believe that they didn't sway some votes. Did that decide the election? I don't know and presently it doesn't matter. It doesn't change the fact that Russia tried to and succeeded at meddling in our elections. Regardless of party affiliation if you love your country then you should be concerned that the Russians had ANY influence on our elections.
That's strange because Comey and the FBI, along with our other intelligence agencies were okay with the DNC handled it. Why is it that you find it so hard to believe the word of our own intelligence agencies over those of the Russian government?
Because those same agencies have spied on US citizens. Have lied under oath, etc. They are, after all, partisan.
Having said that employment is up, my stock price keeps going up, border crossings are down, ....looks like America's getting great again in a lot of ways
Clinton's role in this investigation is immaterial, yet you keep bringing it up because it is the only crutch you have left. The old, let's blame it on Clinton or Obama scheme. Clinton lost. That has nothing whatsoever to do with the current investigation into the level of collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russian government. Not one thing, yet it's all you have and it is sad. I am running with the testimony of our 17 intelligence agencies and the intelligence agencies of our allies. I am running with the sworn testimony of James Comey, John Brennan, Mike Pompeo, and a laundry list of other heads of our intelligence agencies. You act as if this is a story made up by the National Enquirer but it isn't. It isn't manufactured by the media or the Democrats or anyone else, for that matter, except for those whose actions brought on this investigation.
preferring Trump over "that bitch" has absolutely nothing to do with this discussion. Hillary isn't under investigation; Trump and his cronies are. You know, for doing absolutely nothing, for fooling our intelligence agencies into believing that they did something but they didn't.