Russian issues

Discussion in 'Free Speech Alley' started by LSUpride123, Mar 3, 2017.

  1. Tiger in NC

    Tiger in NC There's a sucker born everyday...

    Sep 2, 2011
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    Because they actually did. You are simply a Trump lemming and you've been told that the server was never analyzed. Well, there is more than one way to scan a server without physically having it in one's possession. James Comey testified as much during his congressional testimony. Here you go:

    In his testimony in January on the cyber attacks, then-director of the FBI James Comey said the agency never got access to the machines themselves, but obtained access to the forensics from a review of the system performed by CrowdStrike, a third-party cybersecurity firm.

    "We got the forensics from the pros that they hired which -- again, best practice is always to get access to the machines themselves, but this my folks tell me was an appropriate substitute," Comey said.

    "The DNC coordinated with the FBI and federal intelligence agencies and provided everything they requested, including copies of DNC servers," Watson said. She added that the copy contains the same information as the physical server.

    The FBI joined CrowdStrike’s efforts to boot Russia from the server, but then-Homeland Security Department secretary Jeh Johnson complained the DNC rebuffed their offer to help. This was because Russia was already out of their system by then.

    Trump's mentioning the CIA’s involvement came as a surprise to both Podesta and the DNC.

    "The CIA has no role in domestic intelligence-gathering — in fact, it’s prohibited," Podesta wrote in his op-ed. "The CIA would never ask anyone at the DNC for a server. Whether the FBI asked the DNC for access to a server, I don’t know, beyond what I’ve read."

    According to Watson, the CIA never requested access to the email server. The CIA provided no comment, but notes on its website its mission is focused on overseas, rather than domestic, intelligence-gathering.

    We asked the White House for comment, but we didn't hear back with an on-the-record response.

    So there you go.
  2. LSUpride123

    LSUpride123 PureBlood

    Oct 20, 2008
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    Thanks for proving my point. They let a third party, which produced no evidence, do the investigation for our country.

    In plain English they forego'd best practice for what exactly?

    I know full well what Crowdstrike said about "signatures" and "patterns".

    Side note: I have a magic bean to sell you.
  3. HalloweenRun

    HalloweenRun Founding Member

    Oct 16, 2009
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    I will take your insults as a compliment.

    Meddling in our elections. Unless votes are changed, and no credible person has claimed that, the Russians did not meddle. What is the difference in the Russians spreading BS ON SOCIAL media and the Koch brothers, or the big oil companies or anyone? It's up to the population to have enough basic intelligence to sort this out. Should those that can't sort it out even be voting?

    And ... any ignoramus who relies on SOCIAL Media to form an opinion about anything other than are Brad and Jen back together should be barred from voting if not jailed. The country deserves so much better.

    Shill for Trump. Yikes!

    Let's see, I am pro choice, pro single payer, pro environment, am absolutely certain of global warming, don't care about sexual orientation, even in military, am violently against Citizens United, want a complete and thorough investigation of every aspect of the election,support the establishment of a special prosecutor, and I could go on. Wow "shill for Trump," I am embarrassed for you and your shoddy and incorrect analysis.
    COTiger and LSUpride123 like this.
  4. Tiger in NC

    Tiger in NC There's a sucker born everyday...

    Sep 2, 2011
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    no you claimed there had been no analysis of the server, like they just left it out there without regard but that wasn't true and this proves it wasn't true. the server was indeed forensically analyzed but you leave that part out because it directly contradicts your original point.
  5. Tiger in NC

    Tiger in NC There's a sucker born everyday...

    Sep 2, 2011
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    take them how you want but I am disgusted to hear people who call themselves patriots creating excuses for the Russians and their meddling in our election.

    One is a sworn enemy of Western Democracy and one is an advocate for it. Difference enough? Evidently not.

    To sort out what exactly? The Russians placed targeted ads on FB in vulnerable counties. How do you think the Russians knew which counties were vulnerable? How would the Russians have detailed voter demographics county by county without outside assistance from someone or some entity here in the US? You think it was magic?

    At least we agree on this much. The country deserves a lot better than excusing enemy behavior when they try to sway our election. Why are you apologizing for our enemies?

    Yep, right on cue, here we go again with your "I'm a man of the middle" routine. You are defending an enemy who has tried to interfere, or interfered, in our election. Pathetic. You railed against Obama when you believed that he wasn't tough enough on the Russians but now you cozy up to the idea. Your true colors are and yellow.
  6. HalloweenRun

    HalloweenRun Founding Member

    Oct 16, 2009
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    Here's a question for those aghast at the Russian hacking of the DNC server. Even to me this is a bit offensive, but it illustrates the point. No moral equivalence, whatsoever. Just kind of like physics (action - reaction)

    There are three parties, here:
    1. People that created the "damaging emails"
    2. People that made others aware of the damaging emails
    3. People that heard about the emails who otherwise would not.

    Now let's return to the horrors of WWII
    1. You had the people who created the concentration camps (the Nazis)
    2. The people that revealed the terrible camps to the world (the army and press)
    3. And those that heard about the camps who otherwise would not have known

    Now who are the bad guys?

    Those that said #1 get an apple.

    If you said #2 you either need more schooling or a change in medications. If you said #3 there is no hope, enroll in U of Bama.

    Hope this helps!
  7. HalloweenRun

    HalloweenRun Founding Member

    Oct 16, 2009
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    I will try one more time, though I know it is feckless. In the interconnected e-world, anyone can say anything. It's up to the reader to sort out the BS. Outrageous FB news post are harmless, unless you are an idiot.

    Please tell us you are not the guy from North Carolina that shot up the D.C. Pizza parlor cause he believed fake news about Hillary running a ped ring there.

    That is the kind of stuff you are saying influenced voters, it's pitiful.

    I don't so much don't care, as I disregard.

    Still waiting for the first person to step forward and state they were influenced by the Russians. Over 100 million voters, almost 9 months and nothing.
  8. LSUpride123

    LSUpride123 PureBlood

    Oct 20, 2008
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    No it wasnt Forensics require the physical hardware to include the network equipment. They reviewed a digital file given to them by the DNC. Huge difference.
  9. Winston1

    Winston1 Founding Member

    Sep 5, 2010
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    Come on people. Who defending Trump today wasn't cheering the release of the DNC emails in October? Who didn't say it prove how vile and corrupt HRC and the DNC were? Most of us myself included hoped they were coming from Aynomomus or some other hacker and not the Russians.

    There is no doubt the release changed minds. The polling and voting prove it. If you don't think the release didn't sway votes you're either lying (to yourselves at least), stupid or hopelessly naive. Yes she was a supremely bad person and candidate yet Trump supporters never had the numbers or votes to win. Much of his victory goes to the reduction in people willing to vote for her.....and where did that come from? The leaked emails.

    Now who's going to admit the information supplied by the Russians changed their vote????? Precious few. @HalloweenRun you dismiss those fooled by false FB news. Really? I've seen many of the Trump defenders who on this board use false FB news to support their point. Come on man get serious.

    You all know NO ONE was or is more critical of HRC and Obama than I. No one had more biting commentary and started more threads damning them. I agree she should continue to be investigated and hope her day to face justice comes sooner rather than later. However that DOES NOT EXCUSE conspiring with the Russians to keep her out.

    I can't believe anyone actually has the gall to dismiss meddling Inc our election process as normal, something everyone does. Again it's either ignorance or self deception to say that the destruction of the very article that made the USA the great "Beacon on the Hill" for the world is ok. Faith in the election process and peaceful transfer of power is our bedrock. Messing with that faith is erosive and corrosive to the whole edifice of the government and our society. Rather than dismiss it we should be totally pissed off and demand better protection of the process and punishment of those who corrupt it foreign and domestic.

    Finally that DOES NOT EXCUSE the crap that has been the Trump administration. We should deserve better but only if we prove worthy by not accepting the poor leadership we've had for the last two and now three presidents. Trump is on his way to being the poorest excuse for a leader since Nero fiddled while Rome burned. Rather than engage in a meaningless tit for tat exchange we need to demand better by voting in every election from dog catchers on up not for you friend or the next in line but for the best person running. Until we act like we deserve better we'll continue to get what we have now and if possible worse. I mean you @Rex and @Tiger in NC and @GiantDuckFan on the left as well as you @shane0911 and you @uscvball and you @Kikicaca and all you others on the left and right.
    Tiger in NC likes this.
  10. Rex

    Rex Founding Member

    Aug 28, 2002
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    I agree with most of what you posted there but that part is bullshit. She is the victim of 30 years of right wing smears.

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