LOL......poor guy. So you read the indictments and you've seen the intel reports and you've heard about the Senate Intel Committee reports and every other professional conclusion that the Russians interfered and you are still going with Trump and Putin's claim that it didn't happen. Thanks
Remedial. No rebuttal about why Trump and Putin are correct and all of these other professional assessments are wrong, just a jab about who I voted for. Yeah, sounds like you can't defend their assessment to me.
And now you move to name calling. Perfect. Don't forget I still have your Pride flag if I need to bust it out.
LOL...poor beast. Can you tell me what Trump and Putin's proof is or not? I've been asking you over and over for it and you keep making statements like this instead. Either you are tacitly acknowledging that they have offered no proof or you are just unable to do so. Which is it?
Back to this one, huh? When all else fails go back to the "where's the evidence" remark. Like I told you, don't fret.....Mueller will be along with his findings soon enough. We can reconvene then and have you tell us why he is wrong.