Mueller's a lawman,.. is he supposed to ignore crimes like money laundering and perjury,.. it's not like he's going apeshit over a stain on a dress.
Wasn't about the stain it was about lying on TV to the entire nation. That and yaking advantage of a 21 year old wide eyed intern. You know how a man in a position of power is not to take advantage of a female. In Slick Bill's he was the most powerful man in the world.
If that is so we owe a great big thanks to the Russians. If every American who voted against HRC would chip in just one dollar we could get a really nice thank you gift for Putin. Maybe a new Gulfsteam or a villa in Palm Beach.
my opinion, hard to judge the impact of Russia's facebook shenanigans,.. it's said their tweets, were multi retweeted, and eventually were seen by, I think the claim was, 170 million people. To deny that had any effect is like saying TV ads have absolutely no sway on people's thinking. my bottom line opinion, why HRC lost Russian influence on the election,.. zip to maybe slightly meh, because we don't know the facts yet Comey's October bombshell,.. significant Hillary and her campaign strategy at the end,.. bingo, she fucked it away herself
I have never bought anything or switched brands on anything because of a TV ad. That goes for everything from cars and trucks to beer. I have never voted for anybody because they had more signs in peoples yards and street corners than the other candidate.
so you tell yourself,.. when a new product is unveiled, you see it on TV,.. and think hmmm, maybe I'll try it,.. marketing leads us around like they have a leash tied to a ring in our nose. They don't pay millions for SuperBowl ads for no reason.