What are you taking about? There is bias all over government. We have actual evidence of it. Nixon was a “seasoned” professional too.
This is an interesting and less sensationalist look at the warrant and process that was used to search Cohen’s office. It’s not as eeasy to railroad a warrant through as some here claim. Again I don’t like Mueller going off line on stuff that seems to have nothing to do with collusion. However it seems to be a serious threat to Trump. http://reason.com/archives/2018/04/09/what-we-know-about-the-search-trump-lawy?utm_medium=email
true that,.. and we also have evidence that Trump lies and would never admit to any wrong doing 123, what I'm saying is, we don't know what Mueller has or what he's after from Cohen,.. Mueller hasn't said any thing about the raid, Trump and Cohen have confirmed it happened and put their spin on it, but we don't really know Mueller's take on it. The stories I've read cite, "according to two people familiar with the matter" and "several unnamed government sources",.. for all we know "Stormy" is a tiny part of the raid or maybe even a non factor,.. but the media gives her headlines to hook readers. Bottom line, we don't know anything until Mueller releases information,.. for now it's all conjecture.
Lol. This is well outside he scope of collusion. Watch the Stormy leaks happen. Ensures 2020 victory.
Anyone else see the irony: Whitewater --> sex scandal Russian collusion --> sex scandal But it was only wrong 20 years ago
Its not a scandal though. Dude fucked a porn star. Legally. Not sure what is scandalous about getting your piece wet.
the irony of it all is that both trump and cohen brought much of this on themselves by speaking to the subject in public, thus bringing atty/client privilege into question trump needs to keep his mouth shut but his ego wont allow it....he'll also have that interview with Mueller for the same reason will be interesting
dachsie, you minimize this,.. Mueller has indicted 16 so far, and Cohen's going to jail too. Dipping his wick while married, then lying about it, is not scandalous?.. by definition, "causing general public outrage by a perceived offense against morality or law". Some synonyms: discreditable, disreputable, dishonorable, improper, unseemly, sordid,.. put that all together and ya got, "Trump". Then there is the hush money,.. Don's friend says he paid $130,000 of his own money to keep her quiet,.. but Trump didn't know about it,.. are you telling me you believe that?
LOL what is Cohen going to jail for? Not a single "indictment" is related to Russian collusion. I dont care what money he paid to and for his whores. The bitch didnt win. I cant take you seriously now. You gave no shits about all the shit done "before" trump. Your side lost now everyone is pissed. I didn't even act like this when Obama was president. The problem with the left is they are trying to persecute Trump and people around in a vacuum. It doesn't work like that.
Yes but the media controls the message and they are all left and hate trump. He challenged them further to take him down and they accepted. That's why hes getting much of what he deserves. He can't win this battle bc whatever they write is truth even to semi-sane ones like duck bc it's what they want as well.