So wait, we have Mueller running around like Inspector Clueseau trying to find some tie to the Russians and it was Zuckerburgh and his Facebook cronies all along. Bob should just quit, shut er down and drift off to bolivia
the bar for invoking the crime fraud exception to the attorney-client privilege is a high one....."The fact that the judge issued a search warrant of the office and home of Trump's personal attorney suggests that a judge likely concluded either that the privilege was being used in furtherance of a criminal act or that the privilege was being used to perpetuate a fraud," "Rod J. Rosenstein, the veteran Republican prosecutor handpicked by Mr. Trump to serve as deputy attorney general, personally signed off on Monday’s F.B.I. decision to raid the office of Mr. Cohen"
Tortured parh, pfft, matters not to me if you believe he is/isn't a repug,.. Fact: hand picked by Trump to be deputy attorney general, Rosenstein hired Mueller
You are more qualified to determine that than the Deputy Attorney General of the United States? In addition to Mr. Rosenstein, all of the top law enforcement officials involved in the raid are Republicans:... Robert Mueller;.. Christopher A. Wray, the F.B.I. director, appointed by Trump;.. and Geoffrey Berman, the interim United States attorney in New York.
I guess I don't understand why the big-shot elite seasoned professional experts signed off on it, without checking with you first