It's a wedge issue as long as the investigating moves forward with no link to collusion they can use it to rile up people. Riled up people are motivated
This is one of the problems with Special Prosecutors. This has NOTHING to do with collusion and I don’t think Mueller has any business getting into that. I want to know if Trump and his campaign colluded with the Russians or not. What else that happened before that isn’t directly related to that should be outside of his scope and begin to resemble a witch hunt. Most know I’m no fan of Trump but as I’ve said time and again this form of prosecution is out sides of the bounds of proper and show the reason we need fear government overreacting. F.B.I. Raids Office of Trump’s Longtime Lawyer Michael Cohen The New York Times Mr. Cohen is at the center of several aspects of the special counsel’s investigation. He also acknowledged paying $130,000 to Stephanie Clifford, who said she had an affair with Mr. Trump. Read the full story Shared from Apple News
Trump should fire Mueller, Sessions and everyone involved in this disgraceful sham. He should start an investigation of Hillary and the FBI immediately. All democrats can kiss my Cajun butt they are a cancer on this country.