Nah, Washington takes care of its own. The reason you never see a President or any high ranking position go to jail is because the next person in line doesn’t want to end up there either. They all fucking jerk each other off. If one of them goes to jail it starts a domino effect which, now that I’m thinking about it might be fun to watch but it’s a pipe dream.
This could be important if true. As I’ve said if there’s a connection between Trump, his campaign and the Russians there is more than politics......there’s treason. We’ll see. "Guccifer 2.0 is a Russian Intelligence Officer. Does That Mean Trump Team Colluded?"
Don swallow the hook rookie. Look, I get it but I dont think you are aware of how this works. lets start here: Stone didn't "work" with Guccifer. Guccifer contacted him and stone reported it. Gigantic difference. Second, and this is the fucking hilarious part, the report will have you believe this "Russian officer" forgot to turn on his VPN one day and was tracked. Just fucking think about this for a second. The Russian's and Trump had such a sophisticated plan it rested on a fucking VPN.... I am not saying you are gullible, but..... Guccifer was identified here. Maybe you haven't seen the direct messages sent, but feel free to google and point out the "collusion" Remember this is what Comey said: “The Russians interfered with our elections in the 2016 cycle,” he said. “They did it with purpose. They did it with sophistication, with overwhelming technical efforts, and it was an ‘active measures’ campaign driven from the top of that government.” IN other words, a fucking VPN...