Great plan....for corrupt, lying, dishonest, teat-sucking morons to claim the moral high ground in an attempt to expel the one person who has called them on their shit.
and this is the issue. you may not like trump, but he has called them out. interesting times we live in I never thought i'd live in a time that each news organization decided it's own truth, or live in a time when our government officials openly mocked each other to the degree they do. like trump or not, i'm glad all this dirty laundry is coming out may God help us all
Spot on. The media right now is completely rogue. There is no truth. They've intentionally misled the public for so long and from such politically charged economic/government sources, they simply can't be trusted. People are getting nasty because Trump pulled back the sheets and turned the light on. I imagine the tension in DC right now is palpable. The person who probably has the most dirt on anyone and everyone is now in charge of the CIA. Lol. It's fixing to get very ugly.
Don’t worry. Facebook, Twitter, google etc are actively suppressing conservatives. They won’t let Trump have free reign of social media again. Or any GOP member.
You have to have enough facts to justify an investigation but the whole purpose of an investigation is to find all of the facts.
There were rumblings during the campaign about Trump's business debt in Russia, his courtship of Putin's friendship and his embrace of WikiLeaks. He was also willing to be highly critical of everyone but Putin. I believe it was the first week of January of 2017 when all of the intelligence agencies confirmed that the Russians had indeed meddled in our elections and it was personally ordered by Putin. Since then we learned about secret meetings, overseas contacts, lies about said secret meetins and overseas contacts, phone calls that were intercepted as well as lies to the FBI about all of the above. Also recall that after the election Trump made a very public press conference to say that he had nothing to do with business dealings, no loans....nothing. Then we learned about the Trump Tower meeting that was supposedly about Russian adoptions but later turned out to be about getting dirt on HRC. Further, everyone in attendance of the meeting lied about it and obfuscated. Worse, Trump helped draft the statement defending DJT when it all came to light in a NY Times article. So, you can see a pattern starting to develop where Trump claims, adamantly, that he had no contacts with the Russians...period. But then we kept learning about meetings and potential business deals in Russia that were being discussed well into the campaign. But "nothing" according to Trump. Then in May of last year, Trump fires Comey, who was heading up the investigation and turns right around in an interview with Lester Holt and admits that the Russia investigation was at least part of his thinking in doing so. This was followed by Comey's very public testimony before the Senate Intel Committee where he was clear about his communications with Trump about the investigation. This is essentially the spot where the Special Counsel was appointed. And let's not forget that this wasn't Bill Clinton appointing the SC; it was Rod Rosenstein who had only weeks before been appointed by Trump personally. Also keep in mind that AG Jeff Sessions couldn't do anything about it because he had previously had to recuse himself for his own involvement and questionable meetings with Russians that he lied about. Once the investigation started three of Trump's top guys got swept up almost immediately. Paul Manafort was Trump's campaign manager until right after the Republican convention, but long enough to go on the floor of the convention and change the language in the official Republican platform to be more favorable toward the Ukraine and to take language out of the platform that might be hostile to Russia. This is the guy who is now facing up to 300 years in prison for money laundering, bank fraud, conspiracy against the US, etc. This was Trump's campaign manager; not the coffee boy. Next Michael Flynn was caught up after being fired several months before when he got caught lying to the FBI and everyone else about his communications with the Russian ambassador. Flynn pled guilty to lying to the FBI but since he decided to cooperate with Mueller we do not know the full extent of his charges. Lastly, Kushner......who recently had his security clearance stripped because he can't seem to find an honest answer on his security clearance docs and who was found to be shopping for loans for his personal business in exchange for influence in the WH. Manafort's assistance, Rick Gates, was also swept up and has pleaded guilty and is now cooperating with the SC also. Gates, perhaps more than Manafort, could be damaging to Trump because he was with the campaign until the end. Then let's look at the Russian meddling on FB and WikiLeaks. Who did it favor? It was clearly for Trump and against Clinton. Clearly. This goes back to the original findings of our intelligence agencies that Russia meddled in our elections by using FB to spread fake news and using stolen e-mails from John Podesta from WikiLeaks. And this is the short version. Please don't ever ask me a stupid question again like "What facts led to a collusion investigation?" And just because Mueller hasn't spilled the beans yet doesn't mean he doesn't have them. No good investigator would show their cards until the investigation is over. If Trump did nothing wrong then he should have nothing to hide but it is very clear that he does and he has fired and intimidated his way through it until now but that won't get him much further. Sooner or later the facts will all come out.
Not a single source. Much like CNN. I’ll go easy on you. Provide a source for Russian debt and secrete meetings. I hope you don’t mean the meeting set up by Fusion GPS paid for by Dems. Would love to know of secret meetings in Russia. Do they involve piss? I’ll ignore the fact that you cited shit during the SC. I am here to keep you on topic.
You missed the point again btw. What “facts” justifies an investigation into Collusion? Very simple for you to provide these sources.
Of course he did, he is a moron. The people of the United States elected Donald Trump, not the Russians