Hmm..your posts don't exactly look like WordisBond kid material. Is your Word your bond, stronger than oak? You posted this on 11/9/16: Your proclamation that "I don't ever root against my President" sticks out like a Hillary in a punch bowl. Why have you deviated from your 'I'm a grown ass man & I was wrong' mantra? When a so-called grown ass man breaks his word, what's left?
I do. You guys hammered Obama for being naïve about the Russian threat. Hell, Mitt Romney took shit during the 2012 election for saying that Russia was our #1 geopolitical threat. And Obama was naïve about Russia, to think that he could "reset" relations with Putin wasn't one of his best ideas.
Nice try Einstein but my loyalties lie with the United States of America and not with any President, whether I voted for them or not. Hoping that someone does a good job and remaining blindly loyal to them while they shit the bed isn't the same thing.
I do not want impeachment because she lost. She lost because she was a bad candidate and I have said that over and over. In fact, I have said nothing about impeachment. That said, if Trump or his campaign are found to have colluded with the Russians then I think impeachment should be on the table.
Here is my take. The Russians DID on fact meddle in the election. Everyone blamed it on Trump because. Just because. Not that the Ruskies couldn’t do it on their own. Not waning to admit that the people are so fucking gullible that they just repost shit because it suits their narratives, facts or not. We are the sheep that ate it up. It has to be someone else’s fault. Mueller is finding no evidence to the charge and now to save the investigation, he is building cases around shady international business dealings that even Zukerberg, Bezos, Apple Corp, and Soros would be guilty of. In the end, no collusion but many people are facing trial on non related charges because they are associated with Trump.
You are putting the cart before the horse. We have investigations to learn the facts, not the other way around.