Going back to the idea that Trump hasn't been doing anything.... I brought this up before but it bears repeating. Last December, Trump signed an executive order declaring a national emergency over human rights abuses and corruption. Assets were frozen, including those of plenty of Americans. And in January, it was reported that, "since late October, more than 9,000 sealed indictments have been filed in districts across the United States. Sealed indictments are typically used in prosecuting individuals or criminal networks in cases where revealing names could lead individuals to flee or destroy evidence.... As of Dec. 22, 2017, there were 9,294 sealed indictments, according to data collected by researchers and gathered from the Public Access to Court Electronic Records (PACER) service of the federal judiciary. This includes 1,224 in the central district of California, which includes Los Angeles; 194 in Washington; and 248 in the southern district of New York. The number of indictments filed in less than three months is in stark contrast to previous years. According to a 2009 report from the Federal Judicial Center, in all of 2006, there were only 1,077 sealed indictments, and these were about 0.96 percent of all criminal cases that year....Ruskin said that among the causes mentioned for the surge of sealed indictments, the most plausible, he believes, is that it is related to human trafficking." https://www.theepochtimes.com/justi...rks-over-9000-sealed-indictments_2401511.html And isn't it handy that as I also mentioned earlier that Trump authorized expansion of Gitmo. You have to wonder if big news is coming.
On this day 35 years ago President Reagan called the Soviet Union the evil empire. Still true under Putin. Reagan: A better conservative A better Republican A better president
Well, you organize the seance and we'll do our best to raise him up. Is this all you got? Seriously? Platitudes and pithy sayings don't get it done. Facts....bring them or there is no debate. What about today's announcement.... "President Donald Trump has accepted an offer of a summit from the North Korean leader and will meet with Kim Jong Un by May, a top South Korean official said Thursday, in a remarkable turnaround in relations between two historic adversaries. The South Korean national security director, Chung Eui-yong, told reporters of the planned meeting outside the White House, after briefing Trump and other top U.S. officials about a rare meeting with Kim in the North Korean capital on Monday. "He expressed his eagerness to meet President Trump as soon as possible," Chung said. "President Trump appreciated the briefing and said he would meet Kim Jong Un by May to achieve permanent denuclearization."
Hey that sounds very good and I hope he succeeds. It’s a bold step and worthy of acclaim. That being said it doesn’t absolve him of his lack of actions and lack thereof in regards to Russia and Putin. My reputation of Reagan, Churchill and other is meant to remind you and others of what iit means to be conservative and follow a moral code.
So what is Trumps Iran Contra moment? In fact, Trump is trying to close the boarder from the Drug Trade. Reagan might be responsible for all of the cocaine in the streets mayne.
I suppose moral codes are subjective. That said, I really don't give a shit about conservative/liberal/Pub/Lib. I care about America. Churchill is long dead and he wasn't American so while he makes for an interesting discussion and a movie, his thoughts don't carry much weight IMO. And I keep trying to tell you, simply because you haven't seen/heard/read anything about "actions" regarding Putin or Russia, it would be a false conclusion to assume that nothing is being done. The MSM must be rejected. Their false narratives and political agendas must be rejected. Let me know when you can provide absolute proof that nothing is being done. I am prepared to discuss it.
https://www.msnbc.com/brian-william...ussia-questions-in-nbc-interview-942122051703 Here is the man saying so with his own words. He fired Comey over the Russia probe. Period. You can try and revise this all you want but it came straight from the horses mouth. It's not just Rogers; it's every intelligence agency that we have who are currently stating, and publically, that Trump has not instructed them to do anything about countering the attack on our electoral systems. And when he stated, "you can't say nothing's been done," he is alluding to the fact that there are career people within these agencies who have done what they can to the limit of their power. Trump has refused to even acknowledge that the Russians are the culprits. what else should Rogers or anyone else conclude? when a bully slaps you and you do nothing about it, you keep getting bitch slapped. It doesn't take a Philadelphia lawyer to recognize that Putin is a thug who will get away with whatever he is allowed. The fact that you refuse to see this is telling about your own agenda. I find it hilarious that every time Mueller announces new charges folks like you want us all to say, "Oh, okay....." and move along. Well, I hate to tell you this but Mueller's investigation is far from over and he has absolutely no reason to show all of his cards. If you think we know all there is to know about the investigation then you are thinking wishfully, at best. Kushner was stripped of his security clearance for a whole host of reasons, one of which included his attempts at back channel communications with the Russians and several other countries. In fact, we now know that Kushner was being targeted by at least four countries as being vulnerable for financial reasons. Is that the fault of the MSM? Is their fault that Kushner was trying to use his position to gain loans for his high rise in NYC that is under water financially? How do you know what is going on with Flynn? Has Mueller announced anything different for Flynn? Of course not. But you are happy to regurgitate the latest far right talking points about Flynn's charges. This was a story promoted by Hannity on FOX news. The entire story hinged on the FISA warrant memo that was supposed to absolve everyone but turned out to be a big ole nothing burger. It was later brought up again by Roger Stone. So you are essentially asking us to believe Roger Stone and Sean Hannity over every other fucking news agency out there all because it fits your narrative. Tough shit. Because he owes him something.
Not sure how you come to that conclusion. In his own words he said he wanted someone who was competent. He didn't like the way Comey handled previous cases. [/QUOTE] "We cannot allow those seeking to sow confusion, discord, and rancour to be successful," he said. "It’s time we stop the outlandish partisan attacks, wild and false allegations, and far-fetched theories, which only serve to further the agendas of bad actors, like Russia, and do nothing to protect the principles of our institutions. We must unite as Americans to protect the integrity of our democracy and our elections.” This is the one! True, a Kushner foundation would have been the best approach. Nothing Burger? So the ongoing investigation into the FISA warrant is nothing? Investigations can be nothing burgers again?
OK Trump is a Rooskie spy who coluded with Putin and his comrades to steal the election from poor helpless all American Hillary. All of the people who voted for Trump are either Rooskie agents or Rooskie sympathizers. Trumps grand plan is to bring Putin to America and be co-dictators. I think there may be a gulag waiting for you and Rex. Satisfied?