Both the House and Senate Intelligence Committees are investigating, there is a bi-partison Senate investigation, and the FBI is investigating,.. yet you poo-poo this as nothing. The truth will out,.. what does the President know, and when did he know it?
Define collusion. I mean the Clinton foundation wasn't considered collusion so I dont know what on Earth would be considered.......
You must not read the papers/internet or watch tv or listen to the radio, because there's smoke all over. It's as smoky around Trump as it ever was with HRC. Hopefully we'll did deep and learn the truth one way or another. I hope it turns out there was NO collusion. Spying on us is part of the game as is our spying on them. I understand and only Clausewitz would call it war. However when OUR citizens collude with the enemy THEY are the one who draw my anger/hate/disgust etc. What enemy???? What are you smoking?? Putin has called us an enemy and adversary for years. He has worked to directly challenge and threaten us in the Baltics, Central Europe and now Syria. He is building his armed forces with a war against us in form. Finally didn't understand what we did for almost fifty years 1945-1991? Preventing war by preparing a strong aggressive defense kept us a peace. That is what I'm advocating. Facing up to the fact Putin will take advantage of weakness and that the only way to stop a bully is to face up to him. Being strong will deter war; being weak will invite it.
tiga is the only one who wanted to get in her skirt and I don't know if it was for sex or just to hear her pussy farts.
No I am not. As far as I can tell, they had conversations. As did the Russians with the Dems. Was that collusion too? SO again, define it. You can. The meida cant and wont. That is why this is all bullshit. Some of you wonder why Trump sent that tweet. Makes sense. Instead of the aura of secrecy and "un-named" sources; he forced an investigation. So what we know now is that we were spying on Russia and Trumps team members, who apparently only talked to Russian officials (LOL ok) names were released under Obama. Only to make some shit story like Russian hacks. And I'm Skirting? LOL
Smoke is not evidence. There isn't even logical paths to what is being claimed. WHAT IS COLLUSION? Sending billions on a plane to Iran? I mean, Iran is more of an "enemy" than Russia. LOL. Red Dawn 2020....... And how is Trump not being strong? He fucking molly whopped everyone during the campaign with "mean" words. Remember? You all hated him for being an asshole. Now he isn't asshole enough?
All those who are investigating don't think it's a shit story. You've got your head buried deep in the sand
Of course they think that. Just like they made just as big of a deal as Trumps Tax returns Pussy grabs Rape accusations No political history Bankruptcies Mean words Orange Mean words Never gives detail Russia! Whats funny is you guys pushing this.... I mean, zero fucks given that there are people in the state just shitting all over classified information. Just completely shitting on it. No surprise honestly.