This isn't a matter of perspective pal, it's one of national security. If you don't get that then I don't know that I can help you. If you don't care about fair elections then I can't help you. If you don't love our sacred right to vote then I can't help you. I can't understand why you can't see the threat here.
Tell you what, come on back when you have some answers to those questions because you sure as hell have avoided them up to now. When you can't answer those questions.....or you won't.....then you've already shown your hand
My questions were directed solely at you but you refused to answer them. Don't try to deflect your way out of this one. I'm still waiting.
You're in for a long wait. I'm not going to go back and wade through all the bullshit to find out what the questions were.
Clinton's private server was hacked by at least 5 foreign intel agencies, and info was taken. 99% accuracy estimated by FBI. DNC was hacked. Podesta's computer was gang raped...The Democrats are shockingly clueless about cyber security. A RNC hack(s) was attempted, same style used in the successful DNC hacks, and was not successful. Their security foiled the Russian hackers. This is more about the Democrats shockingly incompetent cyber-security, and the dirty dealings that were discovered. That this doesn't bother you is part of the problem. you really need to go read what the intelligence agencies have reported. the RNC claims they were never hacked but the intelligence agencies say otherwise. Bull shit, the RNC was also hacked. The CIA, FBI and NSA along with about 15 other security agencies have agreed on this. It's not up for discussion, despite what your fake news channel is telling you. The fact that the hackers released only Dem e-mails and not Rep e-mails is one of the glaring clues that led the intelligence community to the conclusions they've reached. You really have a hard time with the truth don't you?