Why are you still skirting around the heart of the problem here? This isn't partisan. This is an infringement, a direct attack, on our most sacred right as Americans. Like I said before, this time it was the DNC. What if Trump doesn't turn out to be the guy Putin's hopes for and next time it is the RNC or the WH? Sure, there is cyber activity all day every day but we don't elect President's every day and we have to maintain the integrity of that process or our faith in democracy crumbles.
Not everyone. @Winston1 , @mobius481 and some others seem to understand the consequences of this. There are, of course, others who want to make it partisan and to justify it by any means necessary. That's the part that disgusts me. That, and the fact that our President Elect will not accept the findings of our intelligence community or speak out against Russian hacking.
I don't think anyone has suggested otherwise. This isn't a conversation about whether Trump should take office on January 20th. It's about the integrity of our election process and every other election we'll have moving forward. Yep. Bernie would be President Elect right now without DNC interference. BUT, Bernie also made a critical error by not courting the Super Delegate voters before the election started and her head start cost him dearly at the end. He's acknowledged as much. Look, you will always have a few idiots who want to question the validity of the elections. Remember Carl Rove losing his shit in 2012 when Obama won Ohio? This, coupled with the fact that she did win the popular vote by nearly three million votes, has left a cloud over the results of the election. That said, Trump won the electoral college and that is all that matters. I have seen the talking heads who claim that she lost because of the hacks or because of Comey but I don't buy it. She just wasn't a very inspiring candidate and she took for granted those blue collar rust belt voters and, ultimately, that cost here the election and nothing else. However, none of this is relevant to the fact that a foreign government, an enemy foreign government, interfered in our elections with the intent of swaying it one way or the other, and that is a threat to our sovreignty which cannot be overlooked.
I was exaggerating, I know there are some here that are conservative that have been calling Trump out. But for the most part nothing Trump does will ever be an issue with a big percentage of the people that voted for him. I know there are probably a bunch who only did so because of his opponent and I have no issue with those people. I couldn't vote for her either. All of this does seem very suspicious though. And it wouldn't be shocking to me if this is all a huge money and power grab for the elite of the world. He didn't fool me. He is assembling the wealthiest cabinet of all time, appointing a dude who is good friends with Putin and has made oil deals. Russia wanted Trump as president because of oil. They make a ton of money on oil. At least that's what it looks like to me. I don't think any of this was because Putin dislikes Hillary it all has to do with their best interests financially.
@Tiger in NC Let me ask you a simple question. Do you think the US has ever "interfered" in a foreign election?
So that makes it ok? The United States has interfered with countless elections, but does that somehow that justifiy it?
Whether I think it's OK or not is irrelevant. They were able to do it. That's what the DNC and everyone else should be focused on.
It's stunning that as a nation we've elected someone who we all freely admit we have no idea what he'll do.