I'm aware my little geppetto. You don't say. You'd think I have enough posts where I can assume yall can figure this shit out.
Well then you wouldn't have had to explain my own post to me. Even tiga figured it out. Ok maybe you spelled it out for him just in case. My apologies.
No apologies required. Tiga's response does not look like he figured it out. And I'm happy to end it as an Effin Bookworm. I've been a lot worse already in 2017. Ask the wife if you don't believe me; got to get back to taking down the tree
The big difference is, Dems blamed Bush for everything for the first 5 years of the Obama presidency. Now you want us to say "fair is fair" when you blame everything on a guy who hasn't even been inaugurated yet!
Go right ahead. I won't cry about it. But you realize it's you guys bitching. Bitching about Bush, then the GOP, now Trump. It's you guys. There is a reason over the past 8 years the Democrate party has managed to find itself in a WORSE POSITION than a party that elected Trump. Just let it sink in. Your party lost to Trump and you guys think we are the problem. Lol.