You lost the election. Why don't you blame the shitty candidate you nominated instead of everyone else?
No foreign interference in our elections is serious. I along with nearly all (even the radical leftists @Tiger in NC) don't believe it had any effect in the outcome. I also agree we should be mad as hell about it. What if they had tried to help HRC or Bernie? Most of you would be up in arms. Where I disagree is that there was any collusion between Trump and the Russians. NC thinks they're hiding in Trumps bedroom by the way he jumps to the conclusions he does. We also disagree as to the root cause. Bottom line is that Putin and by extension Russia sees us as the enemy and are doing everything they can to undermine our power and position. No one should meekly accept that just because "your side" won the election.
@Tiger in NC let me share my thoughts on the Putin/Trump dynamic. This is pure speculation based on observations and reading. 1) Putin is an egomaniac who is smart tough and focused on his objective. He wants to be number 1. He also relies on his gut in personal dealings. 2) He is an old style KGB thug who is grounded in agitprop and undermining states. 3) He hates the west and the USA in particular. 4) He wants to restore the old Soviet empire including Eastern Europe if possible. Trump recognizes item 1 and is attracted to the bravura Putin exudes. He sees Putin as a similar person (natural leader, charismatic winner). So he complimented those features while ignoring the negative. As I said I hope it was more to tweak Obama and HRC than anything. I think the bromance won't last because Trump is a bigger egomaniac and must be the alpha dog of every relationship. I don't think he will let Putin show him up. Remember Trump said he loves winning and losing to Putin isn't allowed. As long a Putin strokes his ego there may be quiet but his agenda to remake greater Russia will get in the way. Finally I don't think Trump will allow financial greed to interfere with his need to win on this new stage. Power of the presidency is a greater aphrodisiac than money. I also hope Trump does realize what Putin is and his objectives are. If so Trump's ego won't let them happen. I know there' are a lot of hopes in this but frankly that's what we have.
I think it's pretty well accepted and definite that the Russians hacked the DNC and gave the data to Wikileaks. There is no evidence and according to experts they could hack the electronic voting. Regardless of their success they interfered with our sovereignty!!!! That is almost an act of war. Don't fool yourself, Putin hates the US and wants to undermine and replace use as a superpower. That is unacceptable!
@Tiger in NC Casro was popular, Hitler was popular, Hugo Chavez was popular. They were all brutal dictators. While popularity may not keep brutal dictator in power it gives him ability to carry out his program easier. His and those who are key to helping him stay in power have insulated themselves enough from the sanctions to not concern them. What happens to the rest of the Russians is immaterial and he can use their pain as a tool to rally around him against outsiders. Sound familiar? If you've watched Putin since he first came to prominence you would have seen how he takes his measure of a situation and/or opponent and acts as he think will achieve his aims. As he measured Obama and found him weak he has taken more and more liberty with him. Remember the old saying "Nature abhors a vacuum"? Well Obama provided Putin a vacuum to fill and he has. A strong will will push a weak one as far as he can and push farther and farther till he meets enough resistance to force him to stop. Obama has backed off every threat and actually been a supplicant to Putin. I believe Putin holds him in absolute distain and feels free to rub his nose in it. In fact that Obama knew of them in September but did nothing proved to Putin he could do what he wanted. That's why I lay blame on Obama.....his passively not only allowed Putin but encouraged him.
First of all it is NOT CONFIRMED that Russia interfered with the intention of helping Trump. Where was the liberal uproar when the piece of shit said this, "There is no serious person who would suggest it was possible to rig American elections. " Then went on to say, "I'd invite Mr. Trump to stop whining and go try to make his case to get votes." Where were y'all when the table was turned. Democrats have turned a deaf ear to the facts from Fast & Furious to, "If you like your dr" and through private email server and hiring plants at Trump rallies so Fuck y'all. Frankly, I feel safer with Putin than osama or hildabeast..
My candidate wasn't very good. That doesn't have one fucking thing to do with any foreign government interfering in our elections. Why DONT you have a problem with that?
True colors Tiga.....and fuck you and your commie buddies. The hacks are a threat to all of us.....that you can't see that is shameful.