The prez is such a fucktard pussy. What he's doing is like sucker punching someone THEN running away.
So basically here is what happened. Russia invades Crimea, we do nothing. Russia bombs Syria, we do nothing. Russia deploys to the Middle East, we do nothing. DNC rigs ITS OWN PROCESS AGAINTS BARNEY, and we do nothing. DNC protects information like Les Miles manages a game clock and we blame....Russia. Lol you guys. Oh.
Yes Obama has been a total pussy dealing with Russia. I've raked him over the coals for years about it. He has wreaked us and our relationship with our allies immeasurably. He deserves to roast in hell for his weakness along with Neville Chamberlain and other peacenik appeasers. However that doesn't excuse or minimize the fact that Russia interfered or tried to our sovereignty. You should be pissed as hell at Russia for meddling in our domestic politics....AND disgusted at the DNC for their inadequacy. It can be both my friends....don't let your hate for the Ds blind you to what Putin and Russia are doing.
Winston. We got hacked because we were open. You think Russia are the only ones? You think the DNC was their target??? Lol Dude. Really? Further we do this shit daily. And we are supposed to be pissed when we get hacked? Come on man.
It is mind numbing that the Russians or whoever leaked the emails to the press is blamed for influencing the election. If damage was done, and that will always be speculative, the damage was done by the content. Therefore, it would seem that if sanctions are warranted, the sanctions should be applied against the DNC and Mr Podesta. If every email released would have been the lyrics to the children's song, "Jesus Loves Me" there would have been no conceivable damage. It was the hubris of the DNC and their emails that caused any and all damage to Hillary.
You got that right. Oh let's just slap them with some sanctions. That'll teach them. Let's eject 35 diplomats and their families. Boy oh boy, America really flexing its muscle.
That's not really true, the documents could have been tampered with and Trump supporters would have believed it. It could have said Hillary was really an Alien from the planet Xandar and they would have believed it. The problem with the democrats wasn't any of the content, the problem was their candidate, their arrogance, and the gap and divide between the DNC and the voters of this country who usually vote democrat.
What content though? The quote about public and private stance? That was about the movie Lincoln. That's really the only damning thing in those emails and it was taken out of context. The problem wasn't the content of those emails it was the candidate. When Donald Trump beats you you are the worst candidate ever. I mean how terrible do you have to be to get beaten by one of the worst human beings on the planet alive today. You have to be worse than that, and she is.