I'm sure we do. And I realize a lot of this goes on and we never hear about it. But this feels a bit different; this is very public in your face America type stuff.
Being a government hacker has got to be a great job. Doing what they love to do but would go to jail for if they did the same things on their own.
Yes, for sure. No doubt. Also, we shouldn't advertise that it happened to the world. We should quietly discover exactly what happened, try to prevent similar espionage, and stealthily exact revenge, ,....all sort of the opposite of what's transpiring.
Read the news. People, mostly media, but some on capital hill are talking about exposing deals involving Russians, trying to embarrass Putin by leaking his communications. It is stunning that you are unaware of all the bantering about retaliation. How do you think the retaliation is to be undertaken? Dropping nukes? No, that is not what people are asking for. In regard to HPSCI/SSCI: These guys are politicians, partisan politicians and they view the same information through partisan lenses. There is a reason the Congress is one of the most despised organizations in America, and the people on the Intel committees are from the same Congress. Intel is rarely complete. The blanks are filled in by the biases of the individuals receiving the Intel that we have. The world of intelligence is far from perfect!,
My comment about cyber warfare was that I hadn't pushed for any specific response. That's not the question here. The question is, did the russians try to influence our election and if so, should we retaliate? So which is it? Is this not true and no retaliation needed or are we taking appropriate measures? I've been arguing that trump supporters believe when he says it wasn't the russians. DId they try to hack the election and should we retaliate for it?