Winston, I'm outraged with her altogether for being such a lousy candidate. If anyone else runs against Trump who could keep the spit in their mouth and didn't get spontaneous erections in front of large crowds would have won the election. To address your point, her email use was careless and irresponsible, just as James Comey called it. As far as outrage goes, I agree with what Bob Gates said this morning that our entire government has taken the news of these hackings without a great deal of outrage. I like Obama, I don't think I need to tell you that, but sometimes his "cool" gets under my skin and I want him to show a little more emotion and follow through when you make direct threats. Telling Putin to "cut it out" was a weak move. I don't have enough technical knowledge of how hacking works but the threat has to have teeth, has to be well thought out and has to be one that can be executed. I said the same of his Syrian "red line" statement.
What was exposed by the leaked emails, needed to be exposed. The collusion and corruption needed sunshine, I only wish that the rnc had been exposed also. however I will agree top this, If it is shown that the rnc or trump worked with the Russians then they should go to jail. you however refuse even now to acknowledge that Hillary broke the law with her private server.
Please provide the law that was broken by Hillary, Rice, Powell and countless other Congressmen and Senators.
We have beaten this to death, and I don't give two shits who did it before, placing secure info on a non secure environment is illegal.
I'm not reading this entire thread but all I wanted to say was, maybe you libs should have listened to Romney. You know. You guys laughed him off the stage for goin hard he paint on Russia.