Both of these statements are true and still have absolutely nothing to do with the fact that the Russians intruded on our election process and we should all be outraged by it and want a full and thorough investigation.
I don't think our national security was compromised...BUT to have a foreign government trying to influence the outcome is more than unacceptable. Yes it may be a common occurrence for hackers to try but this seems a concentrated effort at least acting with Putin's knowledge so it is state sponsored and an act of aggression. Cyberwar is going to get hotter and we need to deal as firmly as possible with it when it's state sponsored. Passing it off as no big deal is just like what Obama did in Syria. Passivity in the face of aggression only invites more aggression.
She lost, that is the most important thing, she isn't the president and never will be and with that, all is right with the world.
Don't you get it, national security and intelligence is only important when it's on a Clinton foundation server.
In the sense that the original intent of the hacks, as it is reported by our intelligence community, was to sow seeds of doubt in our democratic process. As a direct threat to national security, no, but as a means of destabilizing democracy was more what I was talking about. Agree with all of this.
Rather than address individual posts here are my thoughts on this thread. · The Russians are guilty of actively hacking into our country to dick around in our election process · Putin was at a minimum aware of the activities but more than likely ordered them · The goal was to weaken our electoral process and Hillary Clinton, BUT · I think the Russians were as surprised as anyone when Trump won · Russian hacking is not why Hillary lost the election · BUT - This is a very big deal. We need to slap Russia hard. They have been fucking around in the elections of other countries – but we aren’t other countries. · I think one reason this happened is they knew there would be little or no consequences from Obama