Nope, I'm never wrong, you just never admit. Obamacare, check; Trump's mathematical possibility, check, I could go on and on but it gets old.
well at least your honest. you just admitted that you believe the Russian government is more truthful and honest than our own intelligence agencies. this explains a lot.
You're very good at twisting what I write to fit your agenda. Take a refresher course on reading comprehension. While you're at it, you might want to check Webster's for the definition of honesty.
NCTiger, hope you are getting to catch Trump's "Thank You" tour and thanks much, we couldn't have done it without the good people of NC.
Osama's big warning to Russia, "We can do stuff to you." What a wing nut. So weak. Pssst, they're not scared of you, baby gangsta.
Do you keep your business records on a computer that stays connected to the internet? Then you've been hacked. You are the second liberal today who has trouble with understanding the written word. But that's OK. You still get a participation trophy.