29 players over Brady's tenure??!! That's absurb. I can recall Bush, Shawnson Johnson,and now Neltner. Can you name a few of the other higher-profile players that left the program under Brady? I have never cried for Brady's canning, but, there is simply no way you can sustain a successful program with this constant turnover. I realize it will never be like the old days, but, I do know that some programs are able to maintain some semblance of team continuity from year to year. Brady has to almost start over every year. People say, but look at the talent we have coming in next year. But they're freshmen! One freshman may be awesome and contribute heavily, while others may not. And what if some other player decides to up and quit? You can't tell me that there is not a reason that all these players have left Brady. That should be Bertman's primary concern. Brady has done well in a lot of ways but his failure to keep players is a huge negative.
You've walked a mile in Brady's shoes? Look around your neighborhood, your workplace, or your social circle. Who are the people with any substance, any character? I'm willing to bet that you see a lot of Toris Brights, Ronald Duprees, Charlie Thompsons, Bryan Besharas, Collis Temples, Antonio Hudsons, Jabari Smiths, etc. If you look back through your life you will realize that you've completely forgotten about all the Ross Neltners, Regis Koundjas, and Jaime Lloredas. I've said it before - yes, the pattern of departures from the team over the years should be looked into by Skip. However, that doesn't change the simple fact that these kids are quitters and there is no place for them at the table of life. John Brady or no John Brady, quitters are losers and losers are weak... "For when the One Great Scorer comes to mark against your name, He writes - not that you won or lost - but how you played the game."
Andrew, don't cuss at people in posts. Thanks. Just getting in from work and read through this thread. I support Brady BUT losing 29 players in 8 years is what is is - NOT GOOD. He lost a lot early on, which was understandable. But to lose a guy like Nelter each year, true roleplayers who give their all to the team, is disheartening. On the other hand, these kids need to suck it up and earn their playing time. I feel that when a player commits to a university, he should live up to it. Brady seems to need to be able to do a better job of finding some better understanding with such players though. Making sure their roles, and even expected roles when recruiting, are well defined.
With the limited amount of scholarships available in basketball that is an unbelievable number. LSU is lucky it hasn't had a large amount of injuries during the last few years or things could be worse.
When a couple of players here or there leave a team,well I guess you can say that happens everywhere but when a couple leave every year for 8 years, well maybe it is the coach.
Well it's definatley surprising to hear that Neltner is leaving. I would have to agree that when players leave at this rate, it has something to do with the coach. But, he still has the core of the team returning. Plus, he is supposed to have a few forwards coming in who could impact. Not to mention Tyrus Thomas who redshirted. I think the Neltner was a good player. He provided a few good mins to give some guys a break. I believe he would have been the 6th man next year. Hate to see him leave.
I would have to disagree there. I think Neltner gets that "he's a better team guy" b/c he's white. Thats what most white guys get. They are a good team player. We never know if Lazare is a good "team player" b/c he never really played. To say that Neltner is head and shoulders over him as a ball player is one thing, but to say he's a better team player is not fair to say. I for one saw Ross Neltner being a lil bitch on the bench when he didnt play. He'd sit with arms crossed slouching. Great team player.:thumb:
Will someone kindly fill me in on where these 28 John Brady Refugee All-Stars are now. Who is tearing it up and where? John Brady is the coach - Ross Neltner is the student athlete who comitted to the University, the coach, and the program. He's a quitter - forget him. What is Rossy Poo going to do if things don't go his way at his next school? My money is on him quitting - quitting is habit forming. The players who have stayed with this program are all wonderful kids with bright futures - they have been excellent students, fierce competitors, team players, and, most importantly, a credit to their families, their high schools and Louisiana State University. Quitters turn into losers... losers are forgotten.
I don't think there are any stars out there among the guys that have quit on Brady. But we had to listen to the "lack of depth" excuse all year. Couldn't Regis Koundja, Shawnson Johnson, Tim Bush, Tony Gipson (and I think there was one other) have at least given this team a few minutes, where we didn't have to wear the key guys out? And this seems to be the case every year. Nobody who comes to play for Brady seems to be willing to wait for their chance to play. They make an immediate impact or they're gone. It makes me wonder what Brady tells his recruits. Does he promise every one of them they'll start within a year? Are they leaving because they've been lied to?