Thanks for posting that list. The attrition rate is scary at first glance, but a real investigation into all of these departures makes it easier to digest. There were some HUGE liabilities in there and both Brady and Dale Brown share some responsibility on the front end. I don't think we will ever know how truly dirty Daddy Dale was running things - I love the guy, but more and more it seems like he was a little more "Pete Rose" than I'd ever imagined. Should this many players be leaving LSU? No. Is this a concern? Yes. However, I think it's important to look at the big picture. The kids who excelled and stuck around were amazing on and off the court. Brady coached some of the classiest LSU student athletes in recent memory. I had class with these kids. Ronald Dupree was one of the most pleasant, likeable people I've ever encountered. That group was great and this next group is great also. The only two that make me even flinch are Koundja and Neltner because I really think they would have made solid contributions to this club. The program is clean. The local kids are stepping up and staying home. We are on the brink of one of the most exciting, explosive teams in a long time. Bottom line, the key ingredients are making the grade and making the team and I wouldn't trade rosters with any other SEC Team - on or off the court...
thats nice to hear about dupree, i always was a big fan of his, he seemed like a nice guy in interviews. i need to check and see if he is still on the pistons roster.
About Dale Brown: If I remember right, the NCAA investigated or looked into his program time and time again and found nothing. Someone correct me if I'm wrong but I'm willing to bet the program was clean until the end of Dale's reign, what I mean, until Shaq left. I actually think Dale would've been better off retiring after Shaq left, it all went downhill from there. I think Dale knew his days were numbered so he did what he could to have a chance to win it all his last few years, it was wrong! I know I remember the NCAA looking into the program and found nothing, I remember him battling the NCAA, his comments about them being a gestopo like agency. Yes, thank you guys for the list, it was more revealing. I will admit that I am troubled about all these players leaving the team especially lately because we have no bench, there is very little SEC experience there. Some younger players will have to step up to fill Neltner's role next year, quality minutes from at least 1 or 2 bench players. Hoping for the best, if Bass or Baby ever gets hurt this team will be hurting, thank god that didn't happen this year.
Courtney Trask quit basketball a few years back he lost his passion after he transfered from Memphis to LSU. Went to Parkview Babtist when they were really good. He graduated from LSU and is now Michael Claytons good freind and financial advisor. I belive he lives with MC in Tampa.
Actually, SD, I think the man was just quite good at covering his tracks. You could draw some very real comparisons between Dale Brown and Edwin Edwards. They both gave the middle finger to authoritative bodies (Dale - the NCAA ; Edwin - the federal gov't) who in turn, investigated them for wrongdoing time and again and would come up with nothing. All the while, every time they were cleared, said authoritative bodies were taking note of it, and nursing a quiet vendetta. Then, finally, they both got cocky, got greedy and got caught - and when that hammer came down, it came down very hard.
I think he signed a mulityear deal with them. In a Pistons-Cavs game I saw on ESPN, Dupree had the unenviable task of guarding LBJ for a while.
Next year we have 4 players who will have played at the college level,3 if Bass leaves. On top of that the bench will be full of guys who have not proven anything. I don't see much of a reason to get hopes up.
OK I agree Yes, they are quitters, I agree. Makes me feel sorry for Coach Brady. It is ironic, I can'[t believe we agree on so much. originally posted by TigerEducated I'm guessing No way. Oh yes you did.