Sucks I travel and when i get into towns that have the Jungle I listen for about, well I listen because its the only thing on that has sports sometimes but he irratates me bad its the same show everyday just different day. I think that last thing was bad grammer
Listening to Rome's show is like driving along the highway and coming upon a horrible wreck. It is repulsive to look at - but you cannot turn away. That is why SO many people listen to him. I listened because there were no other local sports radio options and because one would occasionally get some decent information, despite the disgustingly venomous approach he and the "Clones" seem to take to sports. Thankfully my area recently got an ESPN radio station, so Rome is history on my radio.
That booty bandit also said OU would demolish K St and as we all know that didn't happen. Jim Rome reminds me of Rosane Bar all mouth and no substance. Everytime I see his show I dive for the remote.
It's not the substinance of his show that aggravates me, it's his diction and delivery. He seems to just talk in circles until he loses his thought, then plugs the call in number over and over. He just seems as though he is playing the role of a sports jock, rather thank actually being one. He just seems as though he it trying to hard, which makes him come off as fake. Even though I don't always agree with Dan Patrick and Mike & Mike, I can at least tell that they are being themselves and are good at what they do. Rome reminds me of Mancow. A wannabe.
Don't Listen to Rome, and I'm from OU Rome panders to whomever is next on the show. I bet if Saban was on, he would open the show with the same type of statement. Rome my think it, but we sure as hell don't.
He is a wannabe...a wannabe standup comic. I actually went to one of his tour stops in Houston a few years back (I was something of a fan once) and between introducing local Houston sports personalities on stage that he could fawn over and suck up to, the whole thing was basically no different than a really bad standup show. Basically, Jim Rome is a little guy, with a little man's complex, who has a forum to run his mouth, and is unafraid to do so because he has a massive bodyguard to hide behind.