you cant claim women have bodily autonomy while also allowing them to be forced have birth against their will.
I don't claim they have autonomy over their own bodies. Republicans have taken that away from them. I claim they SHOULD have autonomy.
Women SHOULD BE allowed to control their own bodies. I haven't said otherwise. I'm NOT IN FAVOR of states prohibiting abortions. What I favor as a political compromise is not necessarily what I want the states to do. Yes, I know, difficult for you to understand because you TRULY ARE a simpleton.
but you explictly favor policy that takes away that right. white men always think they can tell women what to do.
exactly, you want that authority for white men to tell black women what do with with their own bodies. thats weird how your policies are so frequently about controlling black people and women.
You don't understand the "strawman" concept, which involves putting words into someone else's mouth, figuratively, and then attacking that as your opponent's argument. I didn't do that.
again, its you that want states allowed to take away black womens rights to their own bodies. typical white man