They never had a reason to ask since we had and have a coach in Miles. But you have to know that if Miles had left, RR was high on the list of guys to talk to. I'm not going to get into with you but I think RR had pretty good reasons to listen to other schools. He had been promised things at WV that were never delivered on and he wanted a school that would deliver to help his/their success. Seems like a pretty logical move to me. I guess under your criteria, always hire guys who know one wants. Sounds good. You know Miles left Okie State right? He wasn't born the coach of know this right?
If he was promised things he never received why did he back out of a deal with Bama only to sign an extension with WVU? I never listed my criteria for a coach, so I'm not sure what you are talking about. But since you brought it up, one of my criteria would be no waffling. Which is exactly what RR did last year with Bama. I really have no idea what CLM and Okie State have to do with this. But it was fun to read.
No waffling? Funny stuff. Now that's good criteria. He backed out on Bama because WV brought him in and promised a bunch of more stuff but didn't make a move to do any of it. (And he found out how crazy Bama people actually were) Saban complained of the same thing here with the football only offices over by the practice fields. LSU officials had made promises to him when he was hired and were slow to act so he complained in public. Miles and Okie State have to do with this in that Miles left Okie State without talking to players.....nothing. He bolted to LSU. You mad at him? The dude wasn't born the coach of LSU. You don't know a guy's personal situation or the circumstances surrounding why any coach went to coach a school, backed out of a job or left a school. But LSU would have talked to RR had Miles left and now we know, he may have listened. That's why you have to talk to a guy no matter what you feel about his current never know. That's for all the people who said LSU couldn't hire Spurrier, RR, Saban, Del Rio.....makes no matter. Maybe the guy is seriously unhappy or maybe he was just promised stuff he never got like with RR.
First of was a "quiet period"...not a "dead period". The dead period started today, I believe. Secondly, it is OK to contact by phone during a "quiet period"...AND a dead period. You just can't have in person visits on or off campus. During the quiet period, you are allowed in person visits only on Chris Tolliver at LSU this weekend.:thumb:
the players weren't there when the deal was finalized and the final decision made/announced, it was christmas break. when miles asked to go back after the break and talk to the players his request was refused by coach gundy.
It's pretty apparent now that you know nothing about CLM or his situation at Okie State. You are only using this opportunity to show your dissatisfaction that CLM decided to stay. So I will take CLM's advise and let it rest. Have a great day.
I knew someone who knows far more about recruiting than I would clarify things. Thanks. :thumb: Quiet period...dead period. What's next? A "whisper period". :rofl:
This might get ugly: Attorneys for former West Virginia coach Rich Rodriguez are planning to argue against Rodriguez having to pay the university a $4 million buyout, claiming he was "fraudulently induced to sign a contract with false promises." "I will be a witness to any and all proceedings that occur," Ken Kendrick, a primary West Virginia athletics donor and close friend of Rodriguez, said Tuesday. "They baited and switched him. Rich was boxed in by a university and athletic department that was arrogant, mean-spirited and intellectually bankrupt."