All parties (Miles, his agent, and Michigan spokesmen) have publicly stated that there was no contact before the SEC championship game. You are just guessing. Nonsense, more guessing and ignoring public statements. LSU didn't even write Les a new contract, they just extended it. He gets the same raises that he was promised in his existing contract. LSU just wanted Les to get their offer first, expecting Michigan to offer him after the game. Not exactly. Les was not desperate, he knew he had a fine job at LSU and he was not given a take it or leave it option. Miles agent did his job by attempting to inform Michigan about LSU's extension of Miles contract and ask about the seriousness of Michigan's interest in his client. I think Les wanted to get an offer from Michigan out of pride and respect, but wasn't going to mess up a good thing at LSU over it. Meanwhile ESPN overreached and announced that Miles was definitely going to Michigan on the morning of the SEC championship game which was a huge distraction to his team, still in contention for the National Championship game. So he decided that nostalia for his alma mater was not worth ruining his team's chances for conference and national titles. This is what Les stated publicly and anything else is guessing and speculating. It is by no means certain that Miles would have accepted it, being extremely successful at LSU and under no pressure at all. He had already promised his recruits and certain officials at LSU that he was not going anywhere, but publicly he wanted that offer from Michigan for a contract bargaining chip and for his ego--ie, that Nick Saban isn't the only highly desired coach out there. But Martin screwed up by not making an immediate and unconditional offer to Miles if he wanted him. Les sure as hell wasn't going to be interviewed and sit on a short list waiting for Michigan's decision, when he had championship games going on.
If UM wanted CLM before the Arkansas game, then they still wanted him after. You don't base an entire coaching search on one game. Your theory is cute, but stretching a bit. It could very well be that some at UM never wanted CLM from the beginning. But the Arkansas game had nothing to do with it. I'd put my money on Martin flat out dropping the ball. Probably thought he had a done deal, but LSU stepped up and made CLM make a choice. Timing is everything.
Shall we start a collection to ship a dead crow to ESPN for Luv Bug to eat?:rofl: I'll provide the crow!:milesmic:
I guess those people on TF who said RR wouldn't leave W. Virginia were wrong huh? This was written anytime anyone brought up LSU looking at RR for our "possible" coaching vacancy. Just goes to show that you never know about a possibility until you ASK.
Also goes to show that LSU may have had pretty good reasoning not to ask. The guy entertains jobs every year, and accepts jobs, then rejects jobs, then signs long term contracts, then accepts jobs. No Thanks.
Hey correct me if im wrong, I thought it was dead period in recruiting, how is RR talking to T.Pryor? Also, the fact that this kid just wants to go to schools who run spread offenses and the option, will really hurt his pro stock, not to say he wont make it to the pros. But if I were him, i would want to learn some complex pro offenses in college.
Don't quote me, but I think I read that phone calls are OK, face-to-face visits aren't during the dead period.