Rodriguez to Michigan- It's almost official

Discussion in 'The Tiger's Den' started by psulions2007, Dec 16, 2007.

  1. TenTexLA

    TenTexLA Founding Member

    You and Jean Lafitte should be working for ESPN, that's pure ESPN stuff.
  2. islstl

    islstl Playoff committee is a group of great football men Staff Member

    This is just totally ludicrous.

    On January 8th, 2008 Michigan will hold a press conference to announce Les Miles as their next AD.

    Get it right. :eek:

    GEAUX TIGERS Founding Member

  4. TigerWins

    TigerWins Founding Member

    This will be interesting. Ryan Mallet, 6'6" 220 lb slow pocket passer running the spread offense.:hihi:
  5. yi ni

    yi ni Founding Member

    In some ways, it was actually a boon for the LSU program to lose to Arkansas like that. LSU still ended up playing for a NC. And, that defeat probably dampened Michigan's desire to hire Miles. I don't think Michigan really ever wanted Miles in the first place, especially with Lloyd Carr around. But, if Miles had continued winning, the pressure would have been enormous on the Michigan football program to try to hire away Miles.
    1 person likes this.
  6. cristof11

    cristof11 Founding Member

    WTF???? "If Miles had continued winning??"...I guess there's a more important game than the NCG.
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  7. Fishhead

    Fishhead Founding Member

    Yi CANNOT possibly have a comeback for that. I actually understand what you're saying...I think...but the Les Miles to UM is OVAH! He is our coach, and WILL be the coach at SEASON...and then some.

    "Have a great day"!:milesmic:
  8. Sourdoughman

    Sourdoughman TigerFan of LSU and the Tigerman

    This is hilarious, so if Saban bolts to WV. Bama can hire coach Fran back!:lol:
  9. razer

    razer unregistered offender

    no offense Jean, but that is the most ludicrous thing I have heard...maybe ever.
  10. yi ni

    yi ni Founding Member

    I was referring to the Arkansas upset that everybody assumed to derail LSU's chance of playing for a NC. By the time LSU locked up Miles and Michigan was making a half-hearted attempt to contact Miles, it seemed that LSU wasn't going to be playing for the NC. But, if Miles hadn't made some of those questionable calls in some of those games this year that finally caught up to him in Arkansas, how could the Michigan AD not make a stronger effort to lure an Michigan alum coaching the #1 team in the country back to Michigan?

    Let's just review the timeline of events:

    Even before the Michigan loss to App. State, this was going to be Carr's final years esp after he got those special deals for his assistants. Michigan had to know that it was going to be looking for a new coach and must have had some idea of which coach it wanted.

    And, there had been some backchannel talk between Miles and Michigan, but nothing official as all the candidates Michigan was considering were doing the same thing. But, then before the SEC title game, LSU puts out a take it or leave it offer to Miles. Now, Miles knows he has to quickly make a decision about LSU's offer and he knows he has a good thing going on with LSU but he's also a Michigan Man. In desperation, he tries to contact Michigan to gauge if the Michgian job is his- he doesn't want to turn down the LSU offer if he's not guaranteed the Michigan job. After all, he understands that there is a small minority, but still influential, group at Michigan that doesn't want him for the job that's spearheaded by Lloyd Carr who's still vindictive about the whole Jai Eugene matter.

    But, nobody at Michigan will give him a response othen than that he's a candidate. Michigan's AD, Martin, is AWOL, out 'sailing' and nobody can contact him either by phone or blackberry or email. This is probably Martin's most important decision, and will have large term consequences for the Michigan football program. And, he's galavanting somewhere where nobody can contact him when all this is still in the air? And, then before Miles officially signs the extension, only then does Martin make a half-hearted call.

    I don't believe Martin ever really wanted Miles. Otherwise, you return Miles' call and promise him that the job is his. Its as simple as that, and then Miles would be the new coach at UM. But, Martin didn't and I think some doubts started creeping into Martin's mind after some of Miles' calls and that loss to Arkansas played a role.

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