F= southern rock, mullet shaking classic, a real anthem! : Freebird YouTube - Lynyrd Skynyrd-Free Bird-BBC 1975 Great video of a great rendition! (I wish I knew how to embed or whatever to post it better.)
Instant Karma gonna get you, John Lennon [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uGd8JhLQO6w[/media] Thanks stadium salute, it worked.
Jackie Blue - Ozark Mountain Daredevils This song brings back so many memories of growing up in the 70's. Songs like this define that era! [MEDIA]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nXhq5V2zE_4[/MEDIA]
My Woman From Tokyo - Deep Purple Too old for a real video, the live videos sucked, so I used this video of a guy playing drums since it's the real song. He does a good job. [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cKI6N2M35bY[/media]