That's ok.. You were destined to have much more than egg on your face. Anyways.... So ricky and proud are signing peace treaties......
When I read the title of the thread, I thought maybe we were talking about the next great Vaudeville act.
"Yeah pal, I see your point. Me and this snotty nosed kid are happier than a pig in ****" said I. M. Sadd, a resident of one of the local WPA camps.
Ricky D and Proud Tiger I was about to equate your truce to lasting as long as one of my farts in church but i have been known to peel the paint off the pughs. Not to be proud of myself or anything but i had one lady coughing the whole service. In the immortal words of Leslie Nielson in Airplane. Good Luck. We are all counting on you. Geaux LSU Tigers