Rick Perry

Discussion in 'Free Speech Alley' started by LaSalleAve, Aug 15, 2011.

  1. LSUAthletics

    LSUAthletics Founding Member

    Aug 27, 2002
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    I want to discuss the most important issues and the most urgent and those are the economy, job creation, and the budget deficit. The most recent Gallup poll indicates 80% of independents have joined republicans in disapproval of Obama's handling of these issues. I was curious why you, as an independent, thought this was occurring. You're not going to answer that question so it's time to move on.

    And as far as those other issues that you so eagerly would rather discuss. Gallup has all but one 40% and below approval.


    Obama used stop gap measures that were a continuation from the Bush administration to stabilize the economy. I believe there would have been a continuation of these measures if McCain would have won or anyone else for that matter with the same results. The crisis appeared so severe and a solution became so urgent the measures that needed to be taken were not based on a political philosophy but were based on a need to quickly prop up the economy. These stop gap measures are not my issue as they were used for a very short time frame and should not be confused with Obama's overall big government philosophy since the economy was stabilized more than 2 years ago.

    Fast forward to today, more than 2 years since the economy was stabilized, and we still have historically near record high unemployment, anemic GDP growth that's trending down, an out of control budget deficit, and a national debt so high that it may bankrupt the country. On top of all that many economist fear another recession may be in store and most Americans feel the country is headed in the wrong direction.

    Fair enough. However, according to the latest Gallup poll you are much more inline with the Democrats when it comes to the top 3 fiscal issues.

    I vote for candidates with brains too that are for limited government, low taxes, strong defense, limited regulation, and that choose supreme court justices that interpret the constitution. Candidates that have fiscally conservative principles.
  2. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    I've addressed this three times now, the horse is quite dead. But if you must beat it again, knock yourself out.

    If so, then why do you criticize the stimulus? You want to credit Bush for it? :insane:

    What you imagine McCain might have done is quite irrelevant, you know. But if true, why would you criticize the measures Obama put into place, but would have had no problem if McCain had done the same? :huh:

    Yes, you are really stretching to give no credit to Obama for anything. That is the right-wing strategy . . . everything Obama does is wrong. Funny you never mention the bin Ladin thing.

    Did you miss the 1980's?

    Positive growth rather than negative and no trend at all really.

    Both existed before Obama's term. Bush still owns most of the debt.

    And many don't.

    There is no middle party, I have to stand on one side of political center or the other issue by issue. And I have positions on both sides. The last GOP administration pushed me decidedly to the left. Most independents came with me and elected Obama in 2008. Some may drift right in 2012, but by no means all. The march to the extreme right by the leading GOP candidates, denying evolution and climate change, is not going to sell to the moderates.

    Then why did you vote for for Bush and the neo-cons? They were the most fiscally irresponsible administration since Hoover. They inherited budget surpluses from Clinton and then tanked it.
  3. LSUAthletics

    LSUAthletics Founding Member

    Aug 27, 2002
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    Yes I know. You didn't have an answer. You're unable or unwilling to discuss why 8 out of 10 independents disapprove of Obama's handling of the top 3 issues.

    The stimulus was not a continuation of Bush's stop gap measures, it was ineffective, and was a complete waste. By the time the meat of stimulus had been implemented the economy had already stabilized.

    Again, I'm criticizing Obama's policies that he enacted after the economy was stabilized more than two years ago. McCain would not have supported an Obama type "stimulus".

    I gave him credit for funding Bush's stop gap measures. I also give him credit for Bin Ladin.

    I said historically near record high unemployment. Exactly what your graph supports. It shows that in the last 70 years there was only one time period that was higher than it is now. It also shows how quickly Reagan reduced the unemployment rate. In fact, at this point of OBama's term Reagan had already turned the economy around and started steadfastly bringing the unemployment rate down. Contrast that to Obama where you have 1 in 3 economist predicting another recession, anemic GDP growth, out of control deficit spending, anemic job growth, and the vast majority of consumers thinking the country is headed in the wrong direction.

    Bush was bad Obama has been much worse.


    Fair enough. Currently you are a left leaning independent when it comes to fiscal policies and other social issues.

    I agree that most independents came with you and helped Obama win but now 80% disapprove of him when it comes to the most pressing issues on voters minds today. What other conclusion is there other than that most independents are now drifting to the right while you are entrenched in your left leaning. Certainly most independence don't want Obama going even further to the left.

    I think Bush was a conservative in name only. He didn't govern by implementing a conservative philosophy. He did cut taxes but didn't cut spending and that was disappointing.

    PURPLE TIGER HOPE is not a strategy!

    Nov 2, 2006
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    If Obama was running against Jesus how do you think the black vote would turn out?

    I'm guessing 95%-97% Obama.

    I guess it would be more interesting to see what the vote would be if Jessie Jackson ran as a Republican and Sean Hannity ran as a Democrat. Can you imagine people standing in the election booth for hours trying to figure out what to do? :D
  5. mobius481

    mobius481 Registered Member

    Jan 20, 2006
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    Jesus was a carpenter. What would he know about running a country? :D
  6. LSUsupaFan

    LSUsupaFan Founding Member

    Feb 20, 2003
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    Jesus was black.
  7. LSUsupaFan

    LSUsupaFan Founding Member

    Feb 20, 2003
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    I don't think I could vote for Rick Perry. He let an innocent man be put to death, so he wouldn't look soft on crime. Very little integrity and very little character. Too much like Obama.
  8. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    Yes, I have addressed this four times now and gave you my reasons. Do you have reading comprehension problems?

    Yes, you must have your cake and eat it too. For you, if the recession was turned around under Obama, it must have been Bush's policies that Obama was following . . . except the stimulus which was Obama's idea and it had nothing to do with the recovery. I think you are very confused, amigo.

    What evidence do you offer that Obama was following Bush's policies in the first 6 months of 2009? How do those policies differ from Obama stimulus policies? What evidence do you offer that the stimulus failed to achieve anything? Does it not seem like a remarkable coincidence?

    What were those policies and when did Obama fund them?

    Indeed and it was much higher.

    He did it by increasing the deficit immensely. Did you forget that part? Why do you approve of Reagan spending his way out of an unemployment crisis, but not approve of Obama doing the same thing?

    Only if you project it ten years into the future and lumps Bush's unfunded liabilities with Obama's.

    Too simple. My politics are complex.

    Today. That same poll shows Obama at 44% approval for the year and a curve that show a rising and falling approval rate over time. It may go a lot higher, it's a long time to election day and independents view of the republican candidates isn't impressive either.

    Maybe they are not as smart as I am. Maybe they are fickle and will change with the winds next week. Maybe they have heard the wrong numbers. Maybe it was how the question was asked. Maybe it is Karma. I refuse to speculate on a rhetorical question like yours, but if you can come up with only one conclusion, then you have not searched for any possibilites other than your preconceived one.

    This poll gives you no insight into what independents think. You are assuming this based on facts not in evidence. There has been no steady march of independents to the right. The poll just shows unhappiness with the economy, which is shared by everyone.

    Yes, I can see very well why Republicans are trying to disassociate themselves from the last Republican administration . . . but the independents have not forgotten.
  9. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    Against a guy who can't speak English, has no green card, no college degree, and has a history of trouble with the authorities?

    They would vote for Obama, hands down.
  10. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    Very little mental horsepower. Too much like Bush.

    Huntsman is the only Republican so far that hasn't said anything really stupid.

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