And now I'm curious.... do you consider yourself a believer in the Ten Commandments? That its rules were handed down to us by God?
Keep thinking that way and dont pay attention to that boob as he appoints conservatives to the courts, rolls back stupid leftist job killing regulations, builds up the military, pushes for American energy, cuts taxes, decreases illegal immigration, rolls back Obamacare, puts fear into the hearts of Iran, N Korea and other enemies, stops the IRS from going after conservative companies and people, destroys Isis, fixes the VA, brings manufacturers back to America, keeps the stock market setting records, creating millions of new jobs and finally aggravating guys like you and Rex daily. I could go on and on but that pretty much sums it up.
Like Comey's evidence? "Somehow, her emails were being forwarded to Anthony Weiner, including classified information by her assistant, Huma Abedin,"
That's correct. Comey's evidence. He has NEVER been a fan of Hillary Clinton's. In fact, he has been investigating her all the way back to her Whitewater days. And after gathering all that evidence, year after year, guess what? By his own admission there is nothing prosecutable.