There in lies the problem. There cant be a "real deal" that you want because you aren't going to get a newcomer to run for President. They would be tied to one party or the other. Trump ran as a Republican but he is far from tied to it. He's doing things "his way" which is what has everyone up in arms
In my mind the "real deal" needs to be an American patriot with clear ideals who leads a groundswell populist movement, creating a new political party, converting congress and taking control. A moderate, sensible, fix America party that does not pander to the extremists, nor bend over to big money. It's going to take someone very special,.. and Trump aint it.
the catalyst is what put him into power, the people are hungry for change.. but Trump's a worthless boob who's only wasting our time
Too bad Elon Musk isn't eligible to run for prez. He is a real life Tony Stark and probably has MacGyver skills too.
Never heard of him 'til I googled,.. but I think it's gonna take someone in that mold,.. richer than fuck and totally independent.
Musk has warned against a dangers of creating artificial intelligence without being able to control it. Super robots that might decide that the best way to help mankind might be to enslave us or even eliminate us. He might turn out to be like Magnis, Robot Fighter.
There could be real dangers in very advanced AI. Sooner or later we will develop quantum computers capable of performing quintillions af calculations per nano second. Such advanced intelligence might well decide that humans are irrelevant.