another note, its true that basically every day i can report a gun death in baton rouge. this weeknd there was the 3 black kids that murdered an innocent pregnant woman. today the news is that local rapper "teflon webbie" was killed along with some of his friends. this is literally a daily thing. doesnt make much news though, as the media wants to amplify stories that describe whites as dangerous. that stroy about an old white guy shooting a black kid will make headlines for weeks if not years. cities might burn. european soccer players may take a knee. this shit happens daily. this story is from literally 2 hours ago local rapper teflon webbie perhaps glorified the lifestyle that got him killed, as seen here:
Who says I don't believe that? I KNOW it to be true. But you're so stupidly racist you can't see how racist your argument is, which amounts to: "Yes, the numbers in the USA are high, but if you ignore black victims it's not so bad." AS THOUGH BLACK LIVES DON'T MATTER. And in your next breath you're going to cry that you're NOT a racist. And those Democratically-controlled cities? The laws in those cities are typically much stricter but they're rendered ineffective by the laws that override them and handcuff them... laws passed on a national level by gun-loving REPUBLICANS.
but blacks are generally democrat. i thought the claim was about republican gun violence. how can that be true if the actual correlation is with black populations. there were many murders this week in baton rouge. doesnt appear anyone of them were NRA trump supporters.
You have the brainpower of a pea. The claim is that Republicans ENABLE gun violence, and don't give a rat's ass who gets killed. And now I'll add that Republicans PROMOTE gun violence, as these recent multiple "stand-your-ground" shootings tell us. "They're on your property? You can claim to feel 'threatened'? Go ahead and shoot!" That's the Republican law, and that's PROMOTION of gun violence.
so why do you want to disarm blacks so criminal white supremacists can kill more of them? shouldnt black people be allowed to defend themselves? why is everything you favor about taking away the rights of what you call n-words?
So you want a government body to be babysitters? Everyone, including you, is too stupid not to murder? Is that the thought process here? Nothing to do with how anyone is brought up, no matter what race/religion? You want everyone to have their hand held by a controlling government?
I'm sure you've heard the old cliche' 'Guns don't kill people. People kill people.' If black lives matter so much, why are they killing each other at such an alarming rate? Racist white people aren't killing them. You're the only racist on this board. If that were true, then it would be happening everywhere. I guess it's just a coincidence that the biggest problems are in democrat controlled cities. And by the way, the right to keep and bear arms is a constitutional right; not some "laws passed on a national level by gun-loving REPUBLICANS." This is Rex's thought process.
Say what? Should we disband all our police departments (i.e. babysitters according to your own metaphor)? You make no sense What kind of dumbass question is that? Everyone? No, not everyone. But a significant number, enough that we have more gun murders than any other advanced nation.
You have the brainpower of a pea. Just why would blacks need guns to defend against white supremacist guns if white supremacists don't have guns? And why would you even mention such bullshit? Why would you think in the first place that black people own guns primarily to defend themselves against white supremacists except that YOU are a white supremacist afraid of black people?
Gee, what a surprise.... the ugly fuck who shot a black teenager for merely ringing his doorbell watched Fox "News" nonstop and had "racist tendencies", according to a family member. So, which came first? Did the racist fuck watch Fox because he's a racist fuck, or did he become a racist fuck because he watches Fox "News"? I say the former, obviously. MAGAts and Republicans subscribe to media that tells them what they want to hear, truth be damned. And, obviously, this racist fuck is somebody who believes black people are out to get them, sharing jmg's insinuated fear of black people.