Marjorie Taylor Green: "I know a ton of white people that are as lazy and sorry ... and... and.. probably worse than black people I know."
Only a dumbass would think Biden's statement is racist, or that it's in any way equivalent to what MJT said.
common sense from a Victor Davis Hanson article …. “Race is no longer an accurate barometer of either victimhood or legitimate grievance. If “affirmative” action were to continue, it should be based entirely on class considerations, not the current system of Elizabeth Warrenesque fakery or delusions that the elite children of Eric Holder, the Obamas, the Duchess of Sussex, or LeBron James are in some need of compensatory privilege for college admissions, appointments, or hiring. Because America is now multiracial, with untold ethnic and racial agendas, and countless and contorted collective grievances, it is impossible to sort out victimizers and victims. Junk the entire illiberal and patently illegal system of racial discrimination, and there would be an organic return to merit, and with it, race would become incidental, not essential to American identities. After 1964, it seems Orwellian that liberal institutions could continue to assign dorms by race, segregate graduations, and impose racial requisites to participate in special programs”
it is, though. A white man telling black people how to think and vote by propaganda. But youre ok with that. When he said poor kids were as smart as white people, was the most racist statement, though.
a purely merit based system would result in hugely unequal outcomes for races. like asians and jews would be overrepresented in intellectual pursuits. blacks would be woefully underrepresented. i am not sure if we are at a time and place where we as a society can accept that. we wont accept that races even exist, that they are any more than a social construct. for fucks sake we cant even accept any more than gender exists. everyone is a coward so afraid to be called bigoted than merit based policy seems impossible at the moment. what we need more than anything is prominent people to speak out fearlessly and for the gate-keepers of meritocracy like universities to have a little courage. i am pessimistic about it. blank slatism, the idea that everyone of all types is born exactly the same, with no skills or attributes, this idea has polluted everything. there are large numbers of people today that think women could compete with men in boxing if they were told positive messages. in the era of social media, everything is performative snark. call the other guy a bad person, thats the only aim. get the dullard masses on your side with insults. avoid issue based analysis and instead focus on insults, and use the worst ones possible. make sure to call everyone a racist nazi pedophile. thats what our politics is now.