i literally just said its totally a coincidence! why are you so defensive? its a coincidence the one black man is the one you hate
You said "blacks". List them, and also list the whites I've "hated on". Back up your assertion of prejudice against "blacks".
again, i just said its a coincidence you are hating on a black person again. please pay attention. its not your racism, oh no, of course not. its totally a coincidence. why are you so defensive i am not saying you are racist i am saying its a coincidence yet again you are hating a black man
Nope. You EXPLICITLY said "blacks", plural. List the blacks I've "hated on", and also list the whites I've "hated on". Back up your assertion of prejudice against "blacks". I'm not a Republican.... I don't target people because of the color of their skin, as the Tennessee legislature proved this past week, as trump proved this past week and many times previously.