Report: aTm to SEC a Done Deal

Discussion in 'The Tiger's Den' started by Cajun Sensation, Sep 7, 2011.

  1. TexasTigers

    TexasTigers Are You With Me ?

    Jan 14, 2002
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    Man this gets better by the minute... I just read the latest release that everyone but OU now is refusing to promise they wont sue the SEC and A&M...
    Its like a soap opera
  2. b_leblanc

    b_leblanc That's just my game...

    Nov 12, 2006
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  3. sugarlsu

    sugarlsu Founding Member

    Jan 28, 2004
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    Before the Aggies start celebrating they need to remember that last year's team was their best team in decades...

    [ame=]LSU Football 2010 - Cotton Bowl Highlight - YouTube[/ame]
  4. acerydr

    acerydr Founding Member

    Nov 21, 2005
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    If this does come to pass, I have no problem with renewing a rivalry between A&M and our Tigers. I would much prefer a home/home type scenario than a neutral site game. Bring 'em to our house and let's go to their house. Kyle field is a fun place to visit. Shutting them up there would be fun (but I seem to remember quite a few games in the relatively recent past where the Aggies were winning that first game of the season a bit too often).
  5. onceanlsufan

    onceanlsufan Founding Member

    Sep 30, 2010
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    I mean .. hey, I live in AR ... and I like 'em except when they play LSU.

    They've got a damn good team this year. I'm more scared of them than I am Bama. I think we'll flat out outmuscle Bama ... but AR challenges LSU with a different scheme. I still think we'll beat them .. but ... I said that last year as well.

    AND .. contrary to what everyone here keeps saying ... there Defense is no slouch this year. I'm not going to be suprised to see an undefeated AR role into Tiger Stadium against an undefeated LSU. [at which point, my luv for the little piggies ends]

  6. LSU_4_LIFE

    LSU_4_LIFE Founding Member

    Oct 6, 2009
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    I'll be shocked if they roll in unbeaten, they have a TOUGH schedule

    LSU beat LSU last year in that game. Re-watch it if you can stomach it, I sure as hell cant

    But, I dont want to see them leave the SEC, I dont want anybody leaving, not even Auburn, ok maybe Auburn :D
  7. paducahmichael

    paducahmichael Tiger Band Class of '73

    Jul 15, 2007
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    A little respect, please.

    Those "get-ups" are the uniform of the Corps of Cadets, known at some schools as R.O.T.C. Aggies are rightfully proud of their military history and traditions.

    Some of these men will be leading our troops into battle one day - you'd be better off to think of them in the same light as West Point Cadets and other students at military academies - they will be doing the same things after graduation.

    As a Senior Military College, Texas A&M is one of three public universities with a full-time, volunteer Corps of Cadets. It provides more commissioned officers to the United States Armed Forces than any other school outside the service academies

    BTW - Only the Seniors get to wear the tall Cavalry boots. It's a BIG DEAL and an enduring tradition.


    Here's a little history: I'll keep it short

    I'm a proud Tiger who is proud to say that my Dad was an Aggie, a member of the Aggie Band, and was proud to serve in the navy during World War II.
  8. TexasTigers

    TexasTigers Are You With Me ?

    Jan 14, 2002
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    As much as I dislike the bulk of the A&M fan base for their constant insults of Louisiana and its people and the Yell leader thing which is overtly gay
    I have MUCH respect for A&M and their Military background and the Corps of Cadets.
    That is something I would never chastise. It is a rich history that all americans should cherish. I think their band is pretty amazing to.
    So you will never see me make fun of their Military traditions.

    Plus why would you when you get the Yell Leaders which gives you all the Ammo you need. Oh and their football teams record the last 10 years or so.
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  9. paducahmichael

    paducahmichael Tiger Band Class of '73

    Jul 15, 2007
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    Right you are! I know a billion Aggie jokes, too.

    RESPECT the Corps of Cadets, please,

    But the rest of the Aggie stuff is fair game. :yelwink2:

    May they never beat the Tigers in ANYTHING! :thumb:

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  10. b_leblanc

    b_leblanc That's just my game...

    Nov 12, 2006
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    Thanks for the lesson and my apologies, it was a simple joke. I am aware of their military mistory. My father is a Vietnam Marine veteran and I served in the Air Force in Afghanistan. The last person to disrespect any of our great armed forces is me.

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