That's just a bullchit excuse. They know the only competition they would have would be the ducks and USC. We have seen what sec teams do to the ducks. That's the big hidden reason, IMO.
Right, the same bullsh!t excuse that Texas gave last year. . .like either of them are some frickin' Ivy Leaguers. Sure, UT is a good school, but no better than ATM. Vandy is better than both.
The sooners wouldn't be any more relevant than arkansas in the sec and they know it. They will rule the roost in the pus-12.
Well people always say the SEC schools are bad in edjumication. I am not saying we are Ivy league but here are the current rankings so the A&M folk although a great school might want to tone that down again. Some of interest #17 - Vanderbilt #45 - Univ of Texas - Austin #53 - Florida #56 - Georgia #63 - Texas A&M #79 - Alabama #80 - Auburn #111 - OU #124 - LSU So although we are not bragging here at LSU to say going from the Big 12 to the SEC is not a step down in education. Of the top 100 schools 4 are from the SEC and 4 are from the Big 12. Pac 10 and Big 10 have the most obviously.
I would think and no slight to Arkansas here that A&M will immediately become our arch rival as we will theirs. This has been well discussed. But my question with the schedules being adjusted that LSU vs A&M would become the thanksgiving game. Possibly is Houston or something like that ?
From what my A&M friends tell me, OU doesn't want anything to do with the SEC. They like the status quo and prefer the pac 16 if forced. I don't see the SEC being interested in OU unless we are talking about going to 16 next year. I would think they are forced to a east only addition.
I am super excited to have a game close to Houston, I don't care when it is. Thanksgiving would actually be bad for me, would have to talk to famdamily to Houston instead.
I disagree there is a long history between Us and A&M. They hate us, they insult us all the time, etc etc. We are also not fond of them. I would think Arkansas so would again be on the outside looking in as everyone pairs up dance partners for the rivalry. I really think A&M and LSU would be natural and tack on the long history between us and you have instant rivalry. I am saddened by A&M coming to the SEC. But its done. So make the best of it.